from Financial Survival Network
We reconnected with Dave Kranzler. The Fed would like you to believe that there’s nothing to see here. Just a seasonal blip and there’s no reason to be concerned. Dave believes there’s something far more profound taking place. Could all the credit bubbles be getting ready to pop? Is there major bank asset deterioration taking place? It’s not just the debt, it’s all the derivatives that are wrapped up around the debt. If the underlying debt blows up, so will the derivatives that were created to profit off of it. There’s a good chance that the hedge fund industry has hit hard times. The physical gold market has become detached from the paper market. Now we’re in the midst of India’s major gold buying season. Imports have shot up and so have premiums. Now things could be getting interesting. China is still buying gold every day.. They could be part of the reason why gold shot up in the summer.
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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network