
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Daily Digest 11/30 – Banks Near The End Of Their Rope, U.S. Fertility Rate Hit Record Low in 2018


John Rubino: Banks Near The End Of Their Rope (pinecarr)

With civil unrest going global, one seasoned analyst suggests that banks, central banks, and governments may be near the end of their rope, and poised to pivot to a survival strategy.

Jeffrey Epstein, Blackmail and a Lucrative ‘Hot List’ (tmn)

Mr. Boies and Mr. Pottinger discussed a plan. They could use the supposed footage in litigation or to try to reach deals with men who appeared in it, with money flowing into a charitable foundation. In encrypted chats with Kessler, Mr. Pottinger referred to a roster of potential targets as the “hot list.” He described hypothetical plans in which the lawyers would pocket up to 40 percent of the settlements and could extract money from wealthy men by flipping from representing victims to representing their alleged abusers.

Rise Of The Superbugs: Bacteria Are Outsmarting Humans. Will They Eventually Kill Us All? (Don R.)

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that by the year 2050, 10 million people worldwide could die each year from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Currently, the WHO estimates that 700,000 people globally die from infection with drug-resistant microbes every year. At that point, these “superbugs” will have surpassed cancer, heart disease, and diabetes to become the main cause of death in the human race.

Fertility Rate in U.S. Hit a Record Low in 2018 (thc0655)

He noted that more than half of women who had children in their late 30s last year had college degrees, according to the new data — a much larger proportion than among women who had children in their late 20s.

That could be a clue that deeper social forces are at work. A generation of millennial women appears to be delaying having children even longer than Gen X women and Baby Boomers did, to get on a firm footing professionally and financially before starting a family.

Change in Human Social Behavior in Response to a Common Vaccine (newsbuoy)

These results show that there is an immediate active behavioral response to infection before the expected onset of symptoms or sickness behavior. Although the adaptive significance of this finding awaits further investigation, we anticipate it will advance ecological and evolutionary understanding of human-pathogen interactions, and will have implications for infectious disease epidemiology and prevention.

Germany is closing all its nuclear power plants. Now it must find a place to bury the deadly waste for 1 million years (Sparky1)

With their closure comes a new challenge — finding a permanent nuclear graveyard by the government’s 2031 deadline.

Germany’s Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy says it aims to find a final repository for highly radioactive waste “which offers the best possible safety and security for a period of a million years.”

We’re Falling Short: Climate Report Grim (Doug)

“There is no sign of a slowdown, let alone a decline, in greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere despite all the commitments under the Paris agreement,” said Petteri Taalas, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization.

“It is worth recalling that the last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of CO2 was 3 to 5 million years ago,” he added. “Back then, the temperature was 2 to 3°C warmer, and sea level was 10 to 20 meters higher than now.”

What to Eat When the Planet is Dying (Kara S.)

Our choices today aren’t just between an apple and a banana. They’re between wildly different systems of food production and distribution, with wildly different effects on our health and our environment. Berners-Lee notes that an apple picked from your garden may have effectively zero pollution (although there has to be at least a little bit, because in my experience if you don’t spray agricultural oil you ain’t gettin’ no apples, at least not in North Carolina).

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