
Monday, November 18, 2019

Sorry to Be Boring (Company, That is) with Danielle Park

from Financial Survival Network

Danielle Park returns… Elan Musk’s Boring Company could be his greatest innovation to date. One day while sitting in his car, making the commute and getting stuck in the famous LA traffic, it occurred to Elan, as it so often does, that we’re going about this transportation thing all wrong. Why not dig tunnels and put all the traffic underground? Thus the Boring Company was born. Using high-speed low-cost tunneling equipment derived from his Tesla EV technology, he’s managed to bring the price of tunneling down from $500 million per mile to just $10-15 million per mile, which makes tunnels the way to go. Add that to the Tesla EV vehicle and you’ve really got something.

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/2CVpaK0