
Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Fake Impeachment Op with Brian Boyd

from Financial Survival Network

Some of the upcoming testimony in the impeachment proceedings will come from career intelligence and military officers. At least one of whom says he was on the phone call to the Ukranian president. So how does this all work? And who is really on a call the president makes? “That is a very good question,” says Intelligence, Counter Terrorism Specialist, former Green Beret and long time government insider Brian Boyd (see short bio below).”I have my doubts when I hear people recounting what transpired on a phone call who have heard what happened – sometimes from others.” Boyd, who spent more than 30-years in government positions including work for the Departments of Defense Justice & Treasury, is uniquely qualified to give an inside look into what may or may not have happened – as well as adding perspective to the impeachment testimony we will hear this week.

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/2XzpOq9