
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Daily Digest 11/7 – Chileans Debate In The Streets, Gold Down But Not Out


Chileans debate in the streets in ‘first act of revolution’ to determine their future (Rob B.)

The meetings seek to find resolutions to the profound inequalities that are driving unrest that has killed at least 23 and injured more than 2,000, with more than 7,000 arrested. The cost to the country is estimated at $3 billion in damages and lost earnings.

Three Facts You Haven’t Heard Much About Are Keys to Better Policy Toward Central America (tmn)

And just the same thing is about to happen in the Northern Triangle. The graph below shows that the very same youth surge has been happening in the Northern Triangle, about 30 years after Mexico. In all three countries, the annual growth in the number of young workers has been peaking, while we’ve seen high unauthorized migration from the Northern Triangle. And that youth surge has just started to collapse.

Opinion: Why the prospective $70 billion buyout of Walgreens may signal the stock-market rally is about to end (Thomas R.)

The volume of leveraged loans has reached $3.4 trillion worldwide, according to estimates from the Bank of England. Credit quality has deteriorated, with most new leveraged loans being issued by companies that have high levels of debt as compared with their earnings.

Leaked documents show Facebook leveraged user data to fight rivals and help friends (tmn)

Taken together, they show how Zuckerberg, along with his board and management team, found ways to tap Facebook users’ data — including information about friends, relationships and photos — as leverage over the companies it partnered with. In some cases, Facebook would reward partners by giving them preferential access to certain types of user data while denying the same access to rival companies.

Gold prices at the bottom of their range, down but not out – Analysts (Thomas R.)

“As soon as you saw those ISM numbers you had to get out of gold,” said Phillip Streible, senior market analyst at RJO Futures. “The better than expected data has created some upbeat sentiment among investors and that is hurting gold.”

Although gold is testing the bottom end of its range, Streible said that the fight is still not over.

Gold is the Alpha Currency (GE Christenson)

The U.S. spent excessively on the military, wars, and social programs. Debt and prices accelerated higher. Foreigners wanted gold instead of paper dollars. Under advice from central bankers, President Nixon “temporarily” stopped exchanging dollars for gold. During the next decade the dollar collapsed in purchasing power, consumer price inflation devastated many households, and currency in circulation expanded rapidly.

CDC Estimates Millions of Cases of Heart Disease, Other Illness Are Linked to Abuse, Childhood Trauma (Thomas R.)

Researchers say such stressful experiences can affect how the body develops, and can also put a child on a path to smoking, drug use, and other unhealthy behaviors.

The topic has been getting more attention in recent years from public health officials. California’s recently-appointed surgeon general has made childhood trauma and what is known as toxic stress a priority.

Insomnia in adults linked to heart attack and stroke (Thomas R.)

People who only reported trouble getting and staying asleep were 9% more likely and those who reported waking too early were 7% more likely to develop stroke and heart conditions than people with no sleep issues.

Scientists discover first new HIV strain in nearly two decades (Thomas R.)

“It can be a real challenge for diagnostic tests,” Mary Rodgers, a co-author of the report and a principal scientist at Abbott, said. Her company tests more than 60% of the world’s blood supply, she said, and they have to look for new strains and track those in circulation so “we can accurately detect it, no matter where it happens to be in the world.”

Oregon senator wants to give small businesses a tax break for hiring the first employee (Thomas R.)

With this bill, Wyden targets jobs rather than the usual tax incentives for acquiring hard assets, such as property, plant, equipment. “If you look at the history of the tax-writing committee,” said Wyden, “there’s loads of incentives for machines and equipment. Where’s the incentive for people?”

Your DNA Profile is Private? A Florida Judge Just Said Otherwise (tmn)

DNA policy experts said the development was likely to encourage other agencies to request similar search warrants from 23andMe, which has 10 million users, and Ancestry.com, which has 15 million. If that comes to pass, the Florida judge’s decision will affect not only the users of these sites but huge swaths of the population, including those who have never taken a DNA test. That’s because this emerging forensic technique makes it possible to identify a DNA profile even through distant family relationships.

Protesters disrupt Las Vegas Council meeting over law banning homeless sleeping on sidewalks (Thomas R.)

The City Council criminalized food handouts to people in public, closed parks and outlawed naps within 500 feet of feces – a blunder that was later repealed. The former mayor – Carolyn Goodman’s husband, the flamboyant mob attorney Oscar Goodman – even proposed moving the homeless to an abandoned prison 30 miles away.

China Considers Spending Billions On The Aramco IPO (Michael S.)

The Saudis are seeking as high a valuation for Aramco as possible, but they may have to concede that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s target valuation of US$2 trillion is simply not achievable, as bankers have repeatedly said, and accept a valuation of US$1.6 trillion-US$1.8 trillion to ensure that the much-hyped much-delayed IPO will be a success.

NASA Flew Gas Detectors Above California, Found ‘Super Emitters’ (Thomas R.)

The study marks the first time anyone has ever carried out a systematic survey across California of methane, a greenhouse gas that’s 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in trapping heat and contributing to global warming. The release of methane has been a continual challenge for California, which has some of the most aggressive goals in the nation for curbing emissions and slowing the impacts of climate change.

Italy’s Students Will Get a Lesson in Climate Change. Many Lessons, in Fact. (jdargis)

Mr. Fioramonti is a member of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, which has long put environmental concerns at the heart of its identity. He has already become a target of conservatives for backing taxes on sugar and plastics, and for encouraging students to take part in climate protests last September instead of attending class.

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