
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Is Coronavirus a National Security Threat? with Brian Boyd

from Financial Survival Network

The coronavirus continues to spread. It has hit U-S bases worldwide and, in some cases, has diminished America’s capacity to defend our interests around the globe. But how bad is it? “Whenever an outside entity invades a military operation – or changes what it is we need to do – there is reason for concern,” says long time Intelligence, Counter Terrorism Expert and former Green Beret Brian Boyd (see short bio below). www.boydintelligence.com Another major concern is that the military may not have an adequate supply of coronavirus testing kits at installations overseas, especially in the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In fact, several U.S. military exercises have been canceled or significantly scaled back to prevent the spread of the virus. So what happens next and are our interests in danger?

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/2vOUj1Z