
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Matthew Quirk – NY Times Best-Selling Author of ‘Hacking the Fed (Episode #688)

from The Creating Wealth Show

Matthew Quirk is the author of the best-selling book, “The 500” and author of the new book on the Fed, “The Directive,” which centers on a conspiracy plot at the Federal Reserve. Quirk joins the podcast to break down how realistic this plot could be today. Quirk spent a year working with red team security experts, hackers, lock pickers, social engineers, and sources inside the Fed to map out what a true-to-life 21st century heist would look like at the most powerful bank in capitalism. He shares the loopholes within the Fed’s security system and gives his guesstimate on the best chance someone has in hacking the Fed.

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network http://ift.tt/290q7Cp