
Friday, January 28, 2022

Last Day to Join Us Live

Tomorrow, we kick off our much anticipated 2022 Live Annual Seminar, Thriving in the Great Reset.

We have had a huge response, and attendees have been gathering together and building excitement in our special Digital Pavilion for a week now, interacting with me and each other every day on the Q&A boards, while getting to know one another in subject and geographically-specific rooms. This is going to be a life-changing event!

If you’ve been on the fence about joining, today is the last day to get your ticket at pre-event pricing. Beginning tomorrow, post-production prices will increase to $314 for paying members and $349 for non members.

Our speakers include:

· Bret Weinstein, PhD: the elite’s agenda and why it matters for the Peak Prosperity community and society as a whole.

· Dr. Pierre Kory: the efficacy of numerous repurposed and over-the-counter treatments for COVID-19, and global actions taken to suppress their use.

· Ben Swann: media censorship, the importance of free speech, and alternatives to mainstream media and current social media platforms.

· George Gammon: macro-economics driving the world’s current state of affairs and, most importantly, what we can do about it.

· Marjory Wildcraft: the foundations of food resilience and how you can start living a more self-reliant life today.

· Royce White: the parallels between NBA elites and political elites, and how it pertains to modern-day serfdom and our social structure.

· Dr. Keith Berkowitz: various treatments for COVID-19, what works and why.

· Drs. Erik Muten and Amelia Perkins: the importance of emotional well-being and resilience, and how to build meaning and happiness during trying times.

· Evie Botelho: the “how-to” of relationships, important more than ever in this world of polarizing viewpoints.

· Dr. Chris Martenson: as your host and emcee, I will lead discussions between our guest speakers and seminar attendees…and MUCH more.

So grab your tickets now and join us live tomorrow as we start an unforgettable weekend that is sure to open your eyes and prepare you for the road ahead.


Chris Martenson

from Peak Prosperity https://ift.tt/3g3B48g