
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Fed Slows Printing, and A Fraying Narrative.


This was another Fed Week. The metals were pounded hard leading up to the meeting, and then literally reversed right at 2:00 PM, the time of the release of the FOMC announcement.


The banksters pushed the price of gold down to a 3-month low immediately prior to the announcement at 2:00 PM, after which gold promptly rebounded $25, and continued its rally into Thursday and part of Friday. Gold’s OI remains relatively low, suggesting there might be more upside move still to come.


For the week, gold rallied +15.56 [+0.87%] and closed just under $1,800.  True for the past few meetings: a profitable short-term trade involved buying gold at 13:59 Eastern on Fed Meeting Wednesdays, then selling mid-day Friday.  I’m sure they’ll be varying the timing, but…something to watch for those who like to trade.


Silver’s intraday pattern on Wednesday was similar to gold – it was pounded right before the announcement, only to shoot higher immediately afterwards, recovering all its losses and a little bit more. And this pattern wasn’t limited to gold and silver – all the metals saw this same pattern. Platinum, palladium, copper, and the miners all did roughly the same thing – they were pounded leading into the announcement, with a very sharp rally afterwards. My claim is that this pre-announcement metals plunge is routinely engineered. So – why engage in these shenanigans? I think it’s about narrative control.


I suspect they want to avoid the herd-motivating effects of potential MSM headlines, such as “gold shoots higher following the Fed announcement.” So, they pound price leading into the announcement, the price then rallies sharply post-announcement, but since the rally just recoups the day’s losses, the MSM narrative remains intact, which sums to: “Fed Policy is Safe & Effective.”


This, even though PPIACO (reported on Tuesday) rose +1.39% m/m [annualized +16.7%, and +22.85% y/y]. You have to go back to 1974 (Nixon closing the gold window, which then saw massive inflation hit the US) before you see % change (y/y) moves like this.


So, what did the Fed actually do?  Well, they decided to speed up the taper (chopping $30 billion of money printing every month – money printing now ends in February), and they’re projecting up to 3 rate increases in 2022. Note that rate increases typically take 9 months to take effect, so effectively these policy changes won’t move the needle until well into 2023.


But it turns out, this is a lot more aggressive than the ECB, which also had a meeting this week:


European Central Bank Leaves Interest Rates Alone Despite Rising Inflation


The European Central Bank (ECB) has voted to leave interest rates unchanged, with it being “very unlikely” to raise rates at all next year, despite inflation rising to record levels across the eurozone.


There were also some rumblings of discontent – not everyone at the ECB agreed with that decision:

Hawkish ECB Members Unhappy With Pandemic Emergency Purchase Portfolio


According to anonymous sources at the European Central Bank, some hawkish members of the governing council were unhappy about extending reinvestments from the Pandemic Emergency Purchase Portfolio (PEPP) to 2024. Moreover, some were unhappy about the fact that the ECB did not set an end date to its Asset Purchase Programme.


Martin Armstrong thinks that the ECB and the Eurozone overall are in trouble.

World War III in Financial Markets Begins


The ECB is in serious trouble. Where the Fed has allowed previous purchases to mature, the ECB has been rolling everything they have been buying in addition to new purchases. Europe is just doomed, and the lockdowns following the agenda of Schwab’s Great Reset make claims of economic growth a very bad joke.

Marty suggests that the whole Schwab WEF plan – besides a power grab by the billionaire class, is acknowledgement that debt-funded socialism has reached its logical endpoint, a default is next (hello Argentina?), and that COVID19 medical fascism is actually providing cover for the default. “We had to bail on the debt … because – COVID!”

He sees no end to money printing in Europe (the ECB has destroyed its bond market), while the Fed has more flexibility. Eventually, he believes money will flee Europe for the US. Schwab’s gang owns everyone in Europe (unelected bureaucrats are the very image of the Soviet Politburo – presumably they are bribed easily by Oligarchy), but that’s less true in the US.

Why is there a need for a debt default?

It is the old Southern Europe Debt/GDP issue; Italy: 155%. Greece: 205%. France: 115%. Spain: 120%.

Then again: Germany: 70%, Netherlands: 55%, Denmark: 42%, Sweden: 40%.

And US: 128%.

“2030: You’ll own nothing” = “We’re going to default on all government debt” = “your savings will disappear.”  Partly through inflation, partly through an actual default. But it will all be blamed on COVID.

While equities rallied immediately post-meeting also, they reversed lower on Thursday and Friday, printing an ugly-looking swing high pattern, closing down -1.94% on the week. Sector map was bearish too, with energy/tech/discretionary leading stocks lower. Crappy debt also fell [-0.31%], helping to confirm the reversal in equities.

The buck moved higher on the week, up +0.49%, making a new 17 month high. That said – the buck is marching higher, in fits and starts. Perhaps this move, which has been fairly steady since May, could be confirming Armstrong’s prediction about the ECB being trapped, and the “difficult” longer-term fate of the Euro.


One interesting takeaway from the Fed meeting was Powell’s view on Omicron. He felt the big delta wave didn’t cause an economic issue, that people are learning to live with the virus, no money printing will be required, Omicron appears to be highly transmissible, less severe, and that vaccines & prior infection remain protective.


The one question from a Team Apocalypse reporter (really quite a breathless series of panicked questions) he politely waved aside. J 1 out of the 20 or so reporters showed symptoms of being in that hypnotized group.

News That Caught My Eye


New York City is banning natural gas hookups for new buildings to fight climate change



Plebes: No Natgas For You!  Private Jets for Oligarchs?  Space launches for billionaires?  No problem!  Climate Change!


Rate at which people stopped moving to California surprised researchers: ‘Statewide phenomenon’


Celebrities and companies have also made the move out of California to states like Texas and Florida. California’s total population fell by more than 182,000 in 2020, according to a report by the California Department of Finance released in May.


Because the people love Newsom & his French Laundry “masks for thee – not for me” policies just that much.


Even Pelosi is fleeing.

Pelosi Has Been Spotted Looking at Property in Naples Florida


It looks like she is going to retire but she is going to flee California herself for the taxes there are devastating and will only get far worse. The state has been bleeding the high-end taxpayers well beyond Elon Musk. Pelosi’s district, San Francisco, has increasingly devolved into crime, mass homelessness, and open drug use.


Last time I visited SF, my motorcycle was stolen. And that was a few months pre-COVID. If I were Pelosi, I’d flee too. She can buy something awfully nice in Florida for $100 million bucks. And she doesn’t have to wear that stupid mask either.


Democrats Are Unlikely to Pass Biden’s Social Spending Plan This Year — Here’s What it Means 


As Sen. Joe Manchin withholds his support, Democrats are unlikely to meet their goal of passing President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act this year. “I’m not negotiating with any of you all, okay?” he said. “So you can ask all the questions you want — guys, let me go. This is bulls—. You’re bulls—. Okay. I’m done, I’m done!”


Looks like Oligarchy media is perfectly capable of asking tough questions – of those who oppose the Oligarchy’s agenda.


Conclusion: “No Build Back Better For You!”  At least not in 2021.


Conclusion 2: It seems as though the Oligarchy doesn’t own Manchin. That’s a good sign.


Joe Biden is Set to Address The Nation Tuesday With a Stark Warning For Unvaccinated People


He will issue a “stark warning” to unvaccinated people, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said. He will set out “what the winter will look like” for those who “choose to remain unvaccinated,” she added


The poor unvaccinated. If only there was some sort of … I dunno … Early Treatment we could use to help them?  President Grandpa?  Got anything on Early Treatment?


The Pandemic of the Vaccinated Is Here 


Back in July, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced that COVID had become “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” an unfortunate turn of phrase that was soon picked up by the president. Now the flaws in its logic are about to be exposed on what could be a terrifying scale. Unvaccinated Americans will certainly pay the steepest price in the months to come, but the risks appear to have grown for everyone. The pandemic of the vaccinated can no longer be deniedIn the worst-case scenario, highly vaccinated areas could also see “the kind of overwhelmed hospital systems that we saw back in 2020 with the early phase in Boston and New York City,” Samuel Scarpino, a network scientist at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Pandemic Prevention Institute, told me.


A pandemic of the vaccinated!  Not to mention Hospital Overflows!  Again!  (The overflow projections have nothing at all to do with the raft of recently-fired, unvaxxed, COVID-recovered healthcare workers that led directly to a shortage of staff.)


I know how to fix this!  Two Weeks to Slow The Spread!


Did someone say “Rockefeller?”


I’m guessing from the tone of this article that almost every “fully vaxxed” person will end up getting Omicron. They are preparing the Vaccine Church faithful for this outcome.

Related: data from the CDC on vaccine & booster uptake:


1 shot >= 18:  84.8%

2 shots >= 18: 72.3%

3 shots >= 18: 31.6%


Does that “3 shots” (31.6%) percentage remind you of anything?  As in – one of the groups in the “Mass Formation” hypothesis? Interestingly, most of the “fully vaxxed” – for some reason – really don’t seem all that eager to get Safely & Effectively “boosted.”


Omicron and Delta be Damned: Americans Won’t Stop Flying


In spite of the Terror Campaign, even CNN has noticed: both vaxxed and unvaxxed Plebes think the pandemic is over. CNN sure isn’t happy about it, but at least they noticed. That’s an improvement.


Despite the uncertainty, a popular Facebook post baselessly claims omicron is especially virulent.


“… the toxicity of COVID-Omicron is 5 times higher than that of the Delta variant, and the mortality rate is also higher than that of Delta,” the post continues, adding that omicron is “highly harmful, the virus is highly virulent, and the fatal rate is high.”


Reminder: this was a fact-check, and it is actually attempting to reduce OMICRON panic. First time I’ve seen that. Have Grandpa’s-Handlers just lost the fact checkers?  Or are they trying to reassure the vaxxed they won’t all die from the sniffles.


Health care worker vaccine mandate can be enforced in half the country, appeals court says



The sociopathic Grandpa-Handlers are still hunting our health care workers. Did I mention Pfizer’s trial, where the shot appears to kill 3 people for every 1 life it saves from COVID?  Maybe those healthcare workers know something. Hang in there guys.


Officials: Astroworld victims died from compression asphyxia



I was kinda wondering how many of the “compression asphyxia” victims had been Safely and Effectively vaccinated. Still no clue on that. Say 72%?  My bet: closer to 100%. But that’s just a guess.


Texas Governor Tells Defense Secretary COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate on National Guard Won’t be Enforced


“The governor is the commander-in-chief for all members of the Oklahoma National Guard while they are on Title 32 status,” Charlie Hannema, Stitt’s spokesperson, told The Epoch Times in a recent email.The Pentagon sees the matter differently, claiming Austin can order any military member to get a vaccine, including Guard troops. Austin last month rejected a request from Stitt to suspend the requirement for guardsmen in Oklahoma, triggering a lawsuit from Oklahoma.


To me this is an interesting US Federal question which might have consequences outside forced vaccination: who ultimately commands each state’s National Guard – President Grandpa’s handlers, or the Governor of each State?


The Biden administration has been sidelining vaccine experts


The U.S. government, over the past few weeks, has made three important decisions on vaccines without consulting independent panels of experts. On Nov. 19, the Food and Drug Administration authorized boosters for all adults — regardless of their job or any underlying health conditions. On Nov. 29, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that everyone 18 and above should get a booster shot, a revision of previous guidance that strongly recommended boosters only for those 50 and older. Then, on Dec. 9, the FDA authorized booster shots (of Pfizer) for 16- and 17-year-olds, moving the age of eligibility down from 18.


Here is an old Berenson “Pandemia” tweet, modified to fit the current situation:


Attention Citizens!!!

Your Department of Pandemia warns you that a certain agency (we won’t say which one, but its initials might be FDA) has decided to approve BOOSTERS for the 16-17 year old group without consulting with the FDA’s vaccine advisory panel. Your Department reminds you that Science(tm) is way too important to leave to the scientists. When we say it is time to panic – you panic. Because – OMICRON!

Attention Citizens!!!

WAPO didn’t particularly look as though they were in favor. WAPO edging for the door?  At least a little?

This College of London study shows that the top five symptoms reported for omicron infection are runny nose, headache, fatigue (either mild or severe), sneezing, and sore throat. This study is in line with what the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and European countries such as Spain and France had all updated their advice. The authors recommend that the National Health Service should also amend their advice on Omicron.


There are four other articles referenced in Malone’s substack article. Omicron continues to be “a case of the sniffles” (my words, not his). According to Malone, this has something to do with Omicron infecting the throat rather than the deep lung, which results in a lot less hospitalization and death.


Last thing – a “booster disaster” in Canada that even the Vaccine Church faithful found appalling.


Canadian Province Stops Giving Boosters to Elderly Due to Life-Threatening Side Effects


The Quebec government had to stop giving boosters to elders who had received two doses of the COVID vaccine and previously had COVID due to severe, life-threatening side effects. The province’s immunization committee initially recommended that elders who had COVID in the past and who also received both doses of a COVID vaccine be given a booster shot. However, elders in that category reacted very poorly to the booster. Many patients developed a fever after receiving their third dose. They lost appetite, became physically weak, tired and lethargic, Le Devoir reported. In more severe cases, the booster dose caused the patients difficulties in breathing and lowering oxygen levels. Some elders also became delirious after receiving the injection.

The translation of the original article (in French, via Oligarchy Translate) is quite a bit more stark:

Dr. Zhang and the physicians practicing in the CHSLDs she manages have observed “many, many, many side effects” in seniors who had had COVID-19 and had already received two doses, unlike those who had not contracted the disease. Have any residents died? “That’s a really tricky question,” says Dr. Zhang. When a senior in a CHSLD dies, how do you say that it was the vaccine or not the vaccine [which caused the death]?” She recalls that the life expectancy of residents is “very short “and that deaths are recorded every week in these living environments.


This event clearly terrified even this Vaccine Church High Priestess into stopping the shots. It must have been a horrific mass casualty event. Nothing else explains the panic that seeps through even via Translate.


The Mass Formation (boosted) group remains in the low 30% range, in spite of the Omicron Domestic Terror campaign. Even MSM is starting to ask some basic questions. “Hey so if you’re ‘following the science’ over at FDA, why aren’t you consulting with the scientists?” Three different times now.


Answer: Vaccine Church don’t need no stinking “science.”  And even WAPO is starting to notice.


And they are definitely preparing the double-vaxxed to have massive numbers of breakthrough infections. And they’ll try to blame the double vaxxed that get infected because “they didn’t get boosted.”


But the US population as a whole shows no great eagerness to get the booster. Only the “hypnotized 30%” have bellied up to the Booster Bar.


And the booster-SAE-driven “likely mass casualty event” at that old folks home in Canada gives us a sign as to the upper limit on the ability of the human body to handle mRNA. The number right now appears to be “3”, at least if you’re in the vulnerable group (and thus would presumably benefit from a shot), you’ve already had COVID, and two-doses of mRNA on top of that.


It feels to me as though the Vaccine Church narrative is running out of runway. In the near term, too.


CNN fires senior producer charged with inducing minors for sex


Griffin was taken into custody following a federal indictment accusing him of coercing parents to allow their minor daughters to engage in sexual activity in his home. The now-former CNN producer stated he believes there is a “wanton whore” at “the core of any” female and that “a woman is a woman regardless of her age,” according to messages included in the indictment. Griffin faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years of imprisonment and a maximum sentence of life imprisonment for each count, according to the Department of Justice.


That this guy was in a position of power at CNN was not an accident. CIA has been running “honeypot” traps since forever.


Notice the penalty: 10 years – per count – minimum. DOJ is strategic as to who and what it charges. “Insurrectionists” who take selfies in the Capitol have had the book thrown at them, while Antifa rioters who destroy buildings get to walk. So why is the book being thrown at an Oligarchy-media employee?


Speculation: things are going so badly for Oligarchy’s narrative right now, even the captured mid-level media folks are starting to question the current narrative. Perhaps the Oligarchy needed to “kill a chicken, to scare the monkeys”, to remind everyone who is in control.


Finally, some good news:


Scientists Claim They May Have Discovered the Cause of Alzheimer’s


Scientists at the University of California–Riverside said in recent findings that the key to understanding Alzheimer’s may have to do with “tau” proteins that likely cause neurofibrillary tangles—which are found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Previously, researchers suggested that amyloid plaques, which are a buildup of amyloid peptides, may be the cause. The human body has a process called autophagy, they noted, which clears used or defective proteins from cells. When people age, autophagy can slow down, although it isn’t clear why, Julian said, which is what his team is attempting to figure out.  “If a slowdown in autophagy is the underlying cause, things that increase it should have the beneficial, opposite effect,” he said.


Autophagy, huh?



Nutrient depletion, which is one of the physiological triggers of autophagy, results in the depletion of intracellular acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) coupled to the deacetylation of cellular proteins. We surmise that there are three possibilities to mimic these effects, namely:

  1. the depletion of cytosolic AcCoA (AcCoA Depleting Agents): hydroxycitrate
  2. the inhibition of acetyltransferases (Acetyltransferase Inhibitors): anacardic acid, curcumin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, garcinol, spermidine
  3. the stimulation of deacetylases (Deacetylase Activators): nicotinamide, resveratrol

            [edited for clarity]


Things I know about: niacinamide; also curcumin, EGCG, resveratrol, and hydroxycitrate. What’s a “hydroxycitrate”?  “Malabar Tamarind Rind.”  Mmmmm. Tamarind!  Who doesn’t like tamarind?!


And, of course everyone’s favorite autophagy stimulus: calorie restriction.


Or you could suck up some of that Aduhelm. $56,000 per year, with just a few failed clinical trials, and “FDA Approved!”  Yay FDA!


The post Fed Slows Printing, and A Fraying Narrative. appeared first on Peak Prosperity.

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