
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Daily Digest 12/9: Delta Surges in Highly Vaccinated Regions; Toyota Embraces Flaws; Studies: Health Policies Fail

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Toyota Embracing Small Flaws as Supply Chain Pressures Bite
Toyota’s acceptance of good enough by using parts it would have thrown away in the past marks a significant change both for a company renowned for stringent quality control and for Japanese manufacturing practices that often prioritised perfection over speed to market.


Bitcoin Defendant Claims He Invented it. Wins $50 Billion.
Craig Wright, a computer scientist who claims to be the inventor of Bitcoin, prevailed in a civil trial verdict Monday against the family of a deceased business partner.


Better.com CEO Calls Out Remote Workers for Not Working. Lays Off 900 on Zoom Call.
People worked for 2 hours a day, claimed to be working 8+.


California is regarded as America’s greenest state, but only few people know that it consumes huge amounts of crude oil produced in the Amazon rainforest


Studies Show Public Health Policies Are Not Working
400 studies show the failure of Draconian public policies.


Vaccine Gold Rush and Damning Ivermectin Tape
Corruption in medicine, as detailed in a new book by American trial lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr., is nothing new.


Lancet Study Shows Vaccinated Transmit Covid
Many decision makers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission. It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.


Even in Highly Vaccinated Areas, Delta Drives Surge in Covid Cases
Even before the omicron variant establishes a firm foothold in the U.S., coronavirus infections and hospitalizations are soaring again, including in highly vaccinated regions like New England.

The post Daily Digest 12/9: Delta Surges in Highly Vaccinated Regions; Toyota Embraces Flaws; Studies: Health Policies Fail appeared first on Peak Prosperity.

from Peak Prosperity https://ift.tt/3IKJgYi