This is Good News Friday, where we find some good economic, energy, and environmental news and share it with PP readers. Please send any positive news to dd@peakprosperity.com with subject header “Good News Friday.” We will save and post weekly. Enjoy!
A New ‘Super Earth’ Has Been Discovered Near One of Our Galaxy’s Oldest Stars
A hot, rocky “super Earth,” near one of the oldest stars in the galaxy has taken a team of planet-hunting scientists by surprise.
The planet is about 50 percent larger than Earth but requires less than half a day to orbit its star.
“For every day you’re on Earth, this planet orbits its star twice,” said UC Riverside planetary astrophysicist and team member Stephen Kane.
Cow cuddling has become a thing for lonely hearts in the pandemic
Renee Behinfar lives alone in Scottsdale, Ariz. The pandemic has been painfully isolating for her and has left her longing for warmth and touch. On a recent afternoon, she finally was smothered in long-awaited hugs — by a 2,000-pound cow.
“It was really my first real hug of the year,” said Behinfar, 43, a psychologist who sought out bovine comfort with a friend.
Yale Scientists Successfully Repair Injured Spinal Cords Using Patients’ Own Stem Cells
Intravenous injection of bone marrow derived stem cells in patients with spinal cord injuries led to significant improvement in motor functions, researchers from Yale University and Japan have reported.
For more than half of the patients studied, substantial improvements in key functions—such as ability to walk, or to use their hands—were observed within weeks of stem cell injection, the researchers report. No substantial side effects were reported.
Mine Kafon: Wind-blown landmine clearance
A simple device that is designed to clear some of the millions of landmines scattered around the world offers a lesson in thoughtful design and adaptation.
The global statistics on land mines and their effects make sobering reading. According to the United Nations, up to 110 million mines have been laid across more than 70 countries since the 1960s and that between 15,000 and 20,000 people die each year because of them.
Woman Starts Food Pantry In Her Basement To Help Others During Pandemic
A woman in Jackson County, West Virginia, has made a big difference during this pandemic by starting a food pantry in her own basement.
Rhonda Lee started taking money out of her own pay checks to create a food pantry for those in need.
“Some weeks it was 200, some weeks 100,” says Lee.
Dave Portnoy’s review helps New Jersey pizzeria orders explode
Gabriella Ottaiano‘s pizza business in northern New Jersey “took off” after Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy’s pizza review, she said Wednesday, thanking him for changing her life following the devastating fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.
Ottaiano noted the day after Portnoy came through Calabria Restaurant and Pizzeria in January for the 1,000th review of his famed Barstool Pizza Review, the pizza shop “hit 645 orders.”
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