The Deadly Pig Virus That’s Proving Difficult to Beat
A deadly swine disease that’s plagued pig farmers for years is re-emerging across Asia, illustrating how difficult African swine fever is to combat despite the culling of millions of animals. Hardest hit has been China — home to half the world’s hogs — where pork prices soared after a massive outbreak in 2018 and could remain elevated while work on a commercial vaccine continues.
A Vision for the Next Decade of Human Genomics Research (newsbuoy)
Since the launch of the Human Genome Project 30 years ago, genomics has become deeply woven into research, medicine and, increasingly, daily life. In roughly 10,000 days, genomics has blossomed from a boutique discipline associated with a moonshot project into a scientific area now vital for areas as diverse as microbiology and oncology.
Numerous genomic applications—noninvasive prenatal genetic testing, DNA-based forensics, direct-to-consumer ancestry sleuthing, genetic disease diagnostics and SARS-CoV-2 virus surveillance, among others—are common practice.
Warren Buffett’s fortune tops $100B as his stock soars
Investor Warren Buffett’s fortune surged above $100 billion Wednesday when shares of his company hit a record high at over $400,000 apiece.
Berkshire Hathaway’s Class A shares climbed to $407,750 Wednesday before giving up some ground to close the day at $398,840. The Class B shares of the Omaha, Nebraska, based conglomerate were selling for a much more affordable price of $263.99.
Inflation Creeps In, Japan’s Stimulus, Dirty Recovery: Eco Day
Happy Friday, Asia. Here’s the latest news and analysis from Bloomberg Economics to help take you through to the weekend.
The big question in financial markets is whether the post-pandemic recovery will bring a burst of inflation. In some corners of the world economy, it’s already arrived. Meantime, Republicans are invoking the threat of inflation to attack President Joe Biden’s spending plans
Bill Gates is worried about Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies for this reason
While a surge of interests from forward-looking investors pushed the price of a single bitcoin beyond $57,000 as of Thursday, billionaire Bill Gates has concerns about the process required to produce the digital currency.
The process of bitcoin mining, or generating the digital currency by verifying transactions using powerful computers to solve ultra-complex mathematical equations, consumes a huge amount of electricity. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Gates argued the practice was exacerbating the effects of climate change.
One Year Later: Indicators On The Pandemic Economy
It was exactly a year ago today that the World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 outbreak to be a pandemic. Different parts of the country started closing things down at different times last year, but we suspect that a lot of people will be recognizing this terrible 1-year anniversary in the coming weeks, a year since the first time we realized that this pandemic was gonna have a huge effect on all our lives.
Of course, there has also been a huge effect on the US economy. Today on the show, a year after the pandemic started, we wanted to reflect on two of the biggest economic lessons we’ve learned about the pandemic economy. We are presenting a big batch of indicators about the gaps in how different groups of people have experienced the economy and the surprising ways that economic policymakers have responded.
The multi-trillion-dollar plan to capture CO2
The year is 2050. Walk out of the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum in Midland, Texas, and drive north across the sun-baked scrub where a few remaining oil pumpjacks nod lazily in the heat, and then you’ll see it: a glittering palace rising out of the pancake-flat ground. The land here is mirrored: the choppy silver-blue waves of an immense solar array stretch out in all directions. In the distance, they lap at a colossal grey wall five storeys high and almost a kilometre long. Behind the wall, you glimpse the snaking pipes and gantries of a chemical plant.
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The post Daily Digest 3/11 – The Deadly Pig Virus That’s Proving Difficult to Beat, Inflation Creeps In, Japan’s Stimulus, Dirty Recovery appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
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