What Economists Fear Will Happen Without More Unemployment Aid (tmn)
According to the latest installment of our regular survey of quantitative macroeconomic economists, conducted in partnership with the Initiative on Global Markets at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the 32 economists in our survey collectively thought that not renewing the payment by Sept. 1 would make it 75 percent more likely that there would be a decline in personal consumption. They think plenty of other bad scenarios are more likely to occur, as well.
4 Theories About Why Homicides Are Up in Cities (tmn)
In that report, Rosenfeld and his co-authors predicted that homicide rates could rise over the rest of 2020 for a variety of reasons, including normal seasonal fluctuations and the continued easing of social distancing restrictions. And so far, their intuition has proved correct.
But Rosenfeld and other experts have more than one theory pertaining to why violent crimes are spiking in many U.S. cities recently – and it’s not just because much of the country has been reopening.
‘Last one out, turn out the lights’: New Hampshire governor says higher taxes prompting urban flight (thc0655)
Sununu said his state attorney general is reviewing a decision by Massachusetts to continue taxing employees who used to commute to Massachusetts but have been working from home in New Hampshire during the pandemic. He said high-tax states such as New York have no right to tax people who don’t live or work in their state.
“When it comes to New York, Massachusetts, California trying to pick the pockets of people in New Hampshire, we’re going to stand up to them,” Sununu said. “They’re coming after our citizens, and we’re going to put up a fight.”
New York’s true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy (tmn)
That statistic could add thousands to the state’s official care home death toll of just over 6,600. But so far the administration of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused to divulge the number, leading to speculation the state is manipulating the figures to make it appear it is doing better than other states and to make a tragic situation less dire.
As Contact Tracing Ramps Up In The D.C. Region, What Have We Learned So Far? (TourGuideDC)
The goal of contact tracers is to get in touch with people who have tested positive for COVID-19, as well as any person who came into close contact with them while they may have been contagious (the Centers for Disease Control defines “close contact” as being within six feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes). Contact tracers then advise sick or potentially exposed people about how to isolate or quarantine so that they don’t enter the community and continue spreading the virus.
No known case of teacher catching coronavirus from pupils, says scientist (Dell)
Mark Woolhouse, a leading epidemiologist and member of the government’s Sage committee, told The Times that it may have been a mistake to close schools in March given the limited role children play in spreading the virus.
925 Quarantined for Covid. Is This a Successful School Reopening? (jdargis)
While many of the nation’s largest school systems have opted in recent weeks to start the academic year online, other districts have forged ahead with reopening. In Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Indiana and elsewhere, some schools, mainly in suburban and rural areas, have been open for almost two weeks.
How the Hell Are Working Parents ‘Doing This’? (tmn)
Last year, along with many prospective public-school parents in Brooklyn, we attended orientations and tours; we introduced ourselves to administrators and emailed thank-you notes. Will our daughter attend the school our research led us to hope for — at least part-time? When will we know her schedule? How does one organize a work schedule around what is sure to be an experimental model? Does anyone know exactly what that model is yet? How many families will be able to opt in to 100 percent remote work, and how soon will we have to make that decision?
How COVID-19 Completely Disrupted Car Markets (Michael S.)
Some are fretting about the possible permanency of this new trend. One such study claims that working from home and online shopping will become the new way of doing things—forever—shaving as many as 270 billion driving miles off the total every year, and 14 million cars off the road.
From peanut butter to applesauce, Washington state stockpiles tons of food for the need ahead (Sparky1)
The warehouse in Fife is part of that new model. After seeing food banks struggle to meet demand once the pandemic hit and the economy tanked, the Washington state Department of Agriculture (WSDA) began preparing to buy and stockpile tons of food to ward off a shortage in the months ahead.
The new stockpile is driven by two major factors: A nearly doubling in demand for food assistance across the state and a national food supply chain that is bogged down amid an overwhelming surge in demand.
China Buying Up American Corn Due To Flooding, Creating Food Shortage Crisis (Sparky1)
Much of this corn is destined for animal feedlots in China, which started to become bare after China was largely cut off from receiving barley imports from Australia. China is purchasing American corn not only from this season, which ends on August 31, but also from next season.
“That puts China on a path to meet or exceed the World Trade Organization’s quota of 7.2 million tons of corn imports from any country in the year,” reports Bloomberg, as syndicated by MSN.
Cover Crop Part Two: The do’s and don’ts of setting up farm trials (000)
Before any trial work begins, David says it is essential that all members of the business sit down and decide what goals they are trying to achieve with cover crops and specific practices. Having everyone on the same page as to what the priorities are can be the difference between a “successful” trial and a “failure.” Once everyone has similar priorities, trials need to be set up to specifically meet those goals.
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