
Monday, August 24, 2020

Off The Cuff: A Boom For The Rich & A Depression For The Rest Of Us

In this week’s Off The Cuff podcast, Chris and Mish Shedlock discuss:
  • An escapee from Illinois tells all
  • Covid-19 is permanently changing household behavior
  • A boom for the rich; a depression for the rest of us
  • Is it now crunch-time?
As the dust continues to settle from the mad scramble by our "leaders" to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, it's becoming clearer and clear that the unprecedented monetary and fiscal "rescue" stimulus served to make the already-wealthy a whole lot richer while the remaining 99% of America took it squarely on the chin. And now that the scant money for Main Street has flowed to a trickle, Mish thinks that the bucket of consequences can't be kicked down the road for much longer. Households are starting to run out of money, and once that happens on a large enough scale, the simmering resentment across the country is due to boil over. Click here to listen to a sample of this Off The Cuff Podcast Or Enroll today to access the full audio as well as all of PeakProsperity.com’s other premium content.  
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