
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Which Will Collapse First, the Three Gorges Dam or the Stock Market? with John Rubino

from Financial Survival Network

John Rubino returns… On Monday 6-29-20 mining stocks are taking a major leap forward. We discussed Auryn Resources (full disclosure sponsor and we own the stock). Seems like junior miners are having their day in the sun. Rick Rule says a correction is coming. So what to do, sell and then wait and buy back after the decline, or take your investment off the table and reinvest? John and I do our best to confuse the issue.

Then we discussed the possible collapse of the Three Gorges Dam and the Stock Market. If the dam gives way we could witness the largest natural/manmade disaster in history with millions dying and 40 percent of China’s economy would die on the vine. The dam produces more electricity than any other power plant in the world. It could leave 30 percent of the country in the dark.

Finally John discusses the left’s hypocrisy over Covid 19. It’s okay to riot but not to have a political or to demonstrate against the lockdown. Sounds like a double standard to us.

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/3igctwT