
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All

As 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer claimed, “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

After weeks of denial, and attacks on voices like Peak Prosperity who dared question the “Everything is fine!” narrative, world governments and their mass media partners are finally admitting that the coronavirus threat is real and serious.

The pandemic continues to spread across the globe, interestingly, largely in the northern hemisphere at this time. This may suggest it could migrate south as fall/winter arrives there, possibly returning northwards when the seasons change again. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, the markets continue their sell-off as the economic damage from the impairment of Asian supply chains become more apparent.

How much further can they fall? A LOT if the virus continues to rage on for months.

As this crisis is now becoming more obvious to all, remember that your best time to prepare is BEFORE the panicked herd stampedes.

Take the time you have now to keep plugging away at your preparations, so that you’re secure and positioned to help should covid-19 hit your community.

Be sure you’re up-to-date on developments with the coronavirus. All of our latest covid-19 video updates, podcasts and articles can be accessed here for free.

And here’s our material on Chris’ and my own preparation efforts that we’ve published for our premium subscribers (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)

The post The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All appeared first on Peak Prosperity.

from Peak Prosperity https://ift.tt/2v7kYXx