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from Peak Prosperity https://ift.tt/32Jjhf5
Top Finance And Economic News Today. Your one stop site for news about USA and global economy, gold, silver, investing, geo politics, mining stocks. We cover news about and from Jim Rogers, Jim (James) Rickards, Mike Maloney, Peter Schiff, Greg Mannarino, Greg Hunter, SGT Report, Robert Kiyosaki, Martin Armstrong, Bo Polny, Eric King, King World News, Bix Weir, Paul Craig Roberts, Dollar Vigilante and many more.
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James Wesley Rawles is a former Army Intelligence officer who runs the popular disaster and emergency preparation website SurvivalBlog.com.
As an expert who has spent over a decades advising people on how to plan for a wide array of crises — including pandemics — we wanted to sit down asap with Jim to learn his practical recommendations for defending your home and family from the coronavirus threat.
In this interview, Jim and I get into the nitty-gritty of the “how to’s”, including:
You’ll want to listen to this podcast soon, as many of the resources Jim recommends are fast disappearing from retail shelves. It’s nearly too late to acquire certain PPE (like N95 masks) and Jim identifies which supplies are most in danger of disappearing next (he strongly urges getting bulk food supplies asap before the run on those begins in earnest)
Click the play button below to listen to my interview with James Wesley Rawles (65m:27s).
Other Ways To Listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher | Download |
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With the Dow plunging thousands of points and wild trading in gold and bond markets taking the world by surprise this week, one of the most important interviews of 2020 has just been released with Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets.
The post ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT INTERVIEWS OF 2020: Michael Oliver – This Stock Market Crash Will Be A Nuclear Event But Gold Will Surprise appeared first on King World News.
Michael Oliver - One Of The Most Important Audio Interviews Of 2020 From The Man Who Worked Directly With The Chairman Of The Comex In The 1970s And Called The Stock Market Crash Of 1987!
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Michael Oliver - One Of The Most Important Audio Interviews Of 2020 From The Man Who Worked Directly With The Chairman Of The Comex In The 1970s And Called The Stock Market Crash Of 1987!
The post Michael Oliver appeared first on King World News.
The coronavirus is now reported in 59 countries.
It’s a global pandemic, even if the WHO still refuses to call it that.
And speaking of the WHO, the CDC, and most of the governments around the world, they’re still unwilling to urge folks to take advance preparation. In too many cases, the numbers and terminology are being ‘fudged’ in ways both obvious and insulting.
It’s getting maddening at this point. Not only is their lack of urgency putting lives at risk, it’s increasing the chaos and panic that will ensue in areas overwhelmed by mass outbreaks when they occur.
Even the stubborn financial markets have finally realized that covid-19 is a major problem and have been in violent meltdown. In fact, the past week has seen the fastest 10%+ loss in the S&P 500 in history.
Folks, this is now a fast-spreading global crisis and it’s crystal clear we can’t rely on the authorities adequately protect or even forewarn us.
When it comes to protection from the coronavirus, you’re on your own.
Keep preparing while there’s still time.
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We’ve been covering the spread of the coronavirus so intently over the past 30 days that we’d understand if you might have forgotten that, actually, we usually focus on many other topics on this website than global pandemics.
One topic we’ve tracked closely for years is the highly unsustainable levels of financial asset prices. We’ve been warning our readers for a *long* time that the markets are overdue for a painful correction. Our podcast with analyst Sven Henrick earlier this week gave great detail on the many reasons why.
And the coronavirus, with the havoc it’s wreaking on global trade, may just be proving to be the “black swan” pin that pops the market’s bubble. The sharp swoon we’ve seen over the past week has been historic: it’s the fastest 10%+ drop in the S&P 500’s history.
In the short video below, we check in with the lead partners of New Harbor Financial, Peak Prosperity’s endorsed financial advisor, to get their seasoned take on the current market meltdown:
Anyone interesting in schedule a free consultation and portfolio review can do so by clicking here.
And if you’re one of the many readers brand new to Peak Prosperity over the past few weeks, we strongly urge you get your financial situation in order in parallel with your physical coronavirus preparations.
We recommend you do so in partnership with a professional financial advisor who understands the macro risks to the market that we discuss on this website. If you’ve already got one, great.
But if not, consider talking to the team at New Harbor. We’ve set up this ‘free consultation’ relationship with them to help folks exactly like you.
The post VIDEO: Market Meltdown Update appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
On the heels of the intraday 1,000 point plunge in the Dow, mining legend Pierre Lassonde communicated with King World News about the Coronavirus market panic, plus Peter Schiff discusses the plunge in gold and the mining stocks.
The post Pierre Lassonde On Coronavirus Market Panic, Plus Peter Schiff On The Plunge In Gold And Mining Stocks appeared first on King World News.
The post Off The Cuff: The End Of China’s Exceptionalism? appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
With the Dow plunging another 1,000 points and gold pulling back after a monster surge off the 2019 lows, one of the greats just said, "The central bank put is now worthless."
The post DOW PLUNGES ANOTHER 1,000 And One Of The Greats Warns “The Central Bank Put Is Now Worthless” appeared first on King World News.
from Financial Survival Network
Gerald Celente says that if you want to know why things are screwed up, take a good look at your family (not mine). The corona virus could be a pandemic, but Gerald thinks not. So far the mortality rate has been relatively low. Just like the weatherman likes to panic the public at the first sign of a hurricane, so to with our public health officials. Why believe one word that comes out of any government. They’re lying. So far there’s very little outbreak in South America, just one case in Brazil. However he does believe there will be a Black Plague 2.0 due to the poisons in our food, air and water. So let’s stay calm and get ready for the big one.
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from Financial Survival Network
Danielle Park asks, is the January Effect dead? Is it now the February Effect? After Tesla nearly hit $1000 per share, it’s now fallen almost 20 percent. Global trade contracted in 2019. Perhaps the world economy was already declining and this is just the final chapter of the stock market’s long extended bull market. Passive investing is the dominant form of investing, whatever happened to stock pickers? And the debt keeps on increasing. But the important question is are we really at the end or can the world’s central banks achieve the impossible and inflate the market for yet another go ’round?
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With the stock market plunge taking the world by surprise this week as gold continued to surge, one of the most important pieces of has just been released with Michael Oliver, the man who is well known for his deadly accurate forecasts on stocks, bonds, and major markets.
The post ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLES OF 2020: Michael Oliver – As Stocks Plunge This Will Surprise The World appeared first on King World News.
The situation with the coronavirus is quickly going from bad to worse.
Hundreds of cases breaking out across the world, dozens of new deaths.
And, of course, these are just the official numbers. Many countries have inadequate/non-existent testing procedures, so the true numbers may be quite a bit higher.
As covid-19 continues to rip through the EU, Iran and South Korea, the US has just announced its first case of “communal infection”, meaning the virus may now be endemic here, as well.
“Holy smokes! What should I do?” is now the #1 question on the mind of millions of people around the world waking up to this.
We are working on even more educational material you can share with those in your life who are late to the coronavirus preparation process we’ve all been on for week. But in the meantime, share these comprehensive forum threads that PP reader ‘dtrammel’ has created from all of our site discussions to-date:
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With the Dow and the Nasdaq continuing to plunge, Alasdair Macleod says this bear market will also collapse the US dollar. Of course that will also be a huge catalyst for the bull market in gold.
The post DOW PLUNGE CONTINUES: GOLD BULL ALERT – Alasdair Macleod Says Bear Market To Collapse US Dollar appeared first on King World News.
from Financial Survival Network
Charles Nenner was long gold from $1494 and closed the trade two days ago when it hit its short term cycle peak. Chareles believes that it will resume it’s upward trajectory in early summer 2020, eventually hitting a $2500. The Vix hit a high as predicted. Crude is still going to 36. Natgas hit a low of 1.77 per mm btu, another Nenner call. Charles’s target high for the S&P was 3389 and that’s where it landed. As long as there’s no monthly close below 3080 the bull market continues on. No real correction coming on bonds. Interest rates still heading down. No inflation ahead as the economy weakens. A recession/depression is still on its way.
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On the heels of the Dow plunging 650 and gold rallying $17, the war on gold and silver will break into spectacular pieces soon, plus a look at the continued rally in gold and why collapse is now inevitable.
The post DOW PLUNGES 650, GOLD SURGES: War On Gold & Silver Will Break Into Spectacular Pieces Soon, A Continued Rally In Gold, Collapse Is Now Inevitable appeared first on King World News.
On the heels of stocks closing negative for the 5th straight day, expect 3 Fed to cut rates this year, plus a look at the gold bull, silver and Coronavirus and supply chains.
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Within and without China, the coronavirus continues to rage on.
A leaked report claims that actual covid-19 cases within China are 52x higher than the 78K reported by authorities.
Whether true or not, that estimate comports with the massive heavy-handed response the government has been pursuing there.
Outside of China, more cases in more countries are being reported, especially in the EU. Since yesterday, new cases have been reported in Sweden, Greece, France, Spain, Germany, and, of course, Italy.
The virus appears as virulent as ever. Remember those photos of sick people collapsing on the street in China? Well, we’re now seeing the same thing in South Korea and Iran.
Infections continue to grow at a non-linear (i.e., exponential) rate. New cases & death are *doubling* worldwide every 4-5 days(!).
Containment has failed. The coronavirus is spreading worldwide and it’s prudent to assume it’s headed near where you live at some point. Use the time you still have now to prepare.
Being well-stocked, well-trained and in a position to help others is your best defense at this point.
Special note: In today’s video, Chris expresses his and my gratitude at the kind words and offers of donations that we’re receiving about our daily coverage of covid-19. He also explains that we couldn’t be focused full-time on this if not for the support of our premium subscribers. Their funding of this website make what we do possible.
In lieu of any donations, we simply ask those who can afford so to become a premium subscriber. There’s a lot of very valuable insight you’ll receive in return, but more importantly, you’re helping this website deliver its free content to as many people as we can across the world.
A premium subscription can be purchased here.
If you’re one of the many new readers here on Peak Prosperity, be sure you’re up-to-date on developments with the coronavirus. All of our latest covid-19 video updates, podcasts and articles can be accessed here for free.
And here’s a brief list of the more recent material that Chris and I have published for our premium subscribers, to give you a sense of what’s behind the paywall (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)
The post Coronavirus Containment Has Failed appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
As we continue to see wild swings in global markets, here is a look at gold, bonds and the Coronavirus, only time in 30 years, plus a trapped and desperate Fed.
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from Financial Survival Network
Brian Leni of JuniorStockReview.com started out life as a steel company engineer. His career was advancing nicely, but then in 2013 he got bitten by the resource stock bug. He sold his home and invested 2/3 of the proceeds into the sector. He got extremely lucky (or smart) and got out near the 2016 rally’s peak, substantially increasing his capital in the process. Now he’s publishing the Junior Stock Review and continuing on with his plan. With his profits, he was able to purchase an upgraded home. Now he sees the sector’s future as extremely bright and he’s ready for a repeat performance. Not too shabby and proof that it can be done.
Subscribe to the Junior Stock Review Premium, and save 40% off the subscription price. Use the Promo Code: KERRY. Subscribe here…
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from Financial Survival Network
Tom Hardin notes that investor money ensnared in alleged Ponzi schemes has hit its highest level in a decade, leading to concern that a booming stock market and de-regulatory agenda are pushing more fraudsters to bilk unsuspecting investors. State and federal authorities uncovered 60 alleged Ponzi schemes last year with a total of $3.25 billion in investor funds — the largest amount of money unearthed in these scams since 2010 and more than double the amount from 2018, according to data from the website Ponzitracker. A Ponzi scheme is a type of fraud whereby crooks steal money from investors and mask the theft by funneling returns to clients from funds contributed by newer investors. Bernard Madoff ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history, a $65 billion scam encompassing thousands of investors that was uncovered in 2008. Madoff, who is serving a 150-year sentence in federal prison, recently said he was dying from terminal kidney disease and asked a judge to grant him early release. Ponzi schemes alleged by civil and criminal authorities last year pale in comparison to scams unearthed around the time of the 2008 financial crisis, such as Madoff’s and those of other notorious criminals such as Thomas Petters and Allen Stanford, who ran respective $3.7 billion and $8 billion frauds. In 2008, for example, authorities found 40 Ponzi schemes with a combined $23 billion of investor funds — roughly seven times the amount of funds from last year, according to Ponzitracker, data of which is compiled by Jordan Maglich, an attorney at Quarles & Brady. While it’s too soon to tell if last year’s total was an anomaly, some experts fear it could herald a return to more sinister times.
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As 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer claimed, “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”
After weeks of denial, and attacks on voices like Peak Prosperity who dared question the “Everything is fine!” narrative, world governments and their mass media partners are finally admitting that the coronavirus threat is real and serious.
The pandemic continues to spread across the globe, interestingly, largely in the northern hemisphere at this time. This may suggest it could migrate south as fall/winter arrives there, possibly returning northwards when the seasons change again. Time will tell.
Meanwhile, the markets continue their sell-off as the economic damage from the impairment of Asian supply chains become more apparent.
How much further can they fall? A LOT if the virus continues to rage on for months.
As this crisis is now becoming more obvious to all, remember that your best time to prepare is BEFORE the panicked herd stampedes.
Take the time you have now to keep plugging away at your preparations, so that you’re secure and positioned to help should covid-19 hit your community.
Be sure you’re up-to-date on developments with the coronavirus. All of our latest covid-19 video updates, podcasts and articles can be accessed here for free.
And here’s our material on Chris’ and my own preparation efforts that we’ve published for our premium subscribers (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)
The post The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A Crisis Now Obvious To All appeared first on Peak Prosperity.