
Friday, January 17, 2020

Stock Market Algorithm to Infinity with Bix Weir

from Financial Survival Network

According to Bix Weir, the computerized market rigging has been going on for 50 years. Every morning they get their marching orders from treasury secretary Mnuchin, complete with instructions on the day’s price targets. The DOW, Comex, gold and silver prices are all pre-determined at that time. As long as the music keeps playing, the day of reckoning will be put off into the future. Tesla has been an orchestrated short squeeze leading to its parabolic rise. The reality is that valuations no longer matter. There’s an unlimited ability to manipulate any market at any time. d the media. We can only hope! Bix’s is very welcome back on the show after a too long hiatus.

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/2trVIdy