The chart below shows what percentage of total US wealth each generation has held since 1990, according to Fed data that extends through 2019 Q2. Over time, the Silent Generation has seen a decline from 80% to 25% of total US wealth, presumably because they’ve begun to pass away and exhaust their retirement accounts and pensions.
With People in the Streets Worldwide, Media Focus Uniquely on Hong Kong (newsbuoy)
Of course, the protests in Chile and Ecuador started well after Hong Kong, so it would be unwise to compare the totals directly. But even taking that into account, the disparity is still enormous; during the hottest moments of the Ecuador crisis (October 3–14), the New York Times ran six stories covering it, CNN three. This is in contrast to 33 and 38 articles on Hong Kong over the same time period. And since the beginning of the Chilean protests (October 14), while the Times has covered the event 14 times and CNN 22, the two news organizations ran 59 and 92 articles on Hong Kong, respectively.
France’s Weekend of Discontent: Yellow Vest and Pension Protesters Gather (jdargis)
Both events have harnessed broader discontent with the policies of Mr. Macron, who is viewed both by both Yellow Vests and labor activists as arrogant and disconnected from their daily struggles. At their most violent, the Yellow Vest protests saw people break shop windows, the police fire tear gas and rubber bullets and Mr. Macron consider a state of emergency.
Saudi national who shot 11 people at Pensacola Naval Air Station was taking aviation classes (Thomas R.)
Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saud expressed “deep sadness and sorrow” in the call, state-run SPA news reported. The king told the President that he ordered Saudi services to cooperate with the investigation, according to SPA.
At a news conference, Gov. Ron DeSantis mentioned the connection to the Saudi Air Force and said that he had spoken to Trump about it.
Florida Shooting Updates: Gunman Said to Have Self-Radicalized (tmn)
It was unclear what Lieutenant Alshamrani was doing in the United States between February and when he reported for training, but he was apparently living in the Pensacola area for much of that period, the official said.
New Bill Proposal Would Empower Doctors to Treat Gun Ownership Like A Disease (Boomer41)
The bill itself is rather vague as it does not state what kind of patients would be “screened”. Would it be every patient seen, no matter the reason? The language used in the bill is very concerning and degrading. Mandating that people are screened for gun ownership as if we have a communicable disease is outrageous. The bill also mandates that we receive some sort of counseling if we are “screened positive” for firearms.
The Man Who Killed Trayvon Martin Is Suing His Mother for £85 million (Thomas R.)
Zimmerman was arrested and charged for shooting an unarmed 17-year-old Martin, who was visiting his father, Tracy Martin, in a gated community in 2012. Martin was found dead shortly after Zimmerman called police that night to report him as a suspicious person. Ultimately, jurors acquitted Zimmerman of all charges on the basis of self defence. Since then, the his business ventures have included tweeting about race, attempting to sell the weapon that caused Martin’s death online, and suing the grieving family who lost their teenage son.
Ford workers break their silence on faulty transmissions: ‘My hands are dirty. I feel horrible’ (Thomas R.)
The engineer said: “We’d raise our hands and be told, ‘Don’t be naysayers.’ We got strange comments. It seemed the ship had sailed. After that, if you ask questions, you’re accused of mutiny, so you put your head down and make it work. Good people tried to make it work. But you can’t violate the laws of physics. It’s a mechanical catastrophe.”
P.E.I. man wants to know why he pays HST on electricity he generates himself (thc0655)
Currie is part of P.E.I.’s net metering program, which allows individual homeowners to generate their own electricity, sending any excess into the grid in exchange for credits so they don’t have to pay when they draw electricity back out of the grid — for example, at night when solar power can’t be generated.
Currie’s home is generating more electricity than it uses, feeding the excess into P.E.I.’s electricity grid, where it’s sold to other Maritime Electric customers — who pay HST on what they use.
Iceland Fights Climate Change the Same Way It Beat the Banking Crisis (newsbuoy)
These losses amounted to $330,000 for every man, woman and child on the island, whose stock market then collapsed, with huge numbers of businesses going bankrupt. Iceland approached the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for emergency aid − the first western country to do so since 1976 − and obtained a loan of $2.1bn (£1.4bn).
See how global warming has changed the world since your childhood (tmn)
From top to bottom, these stripes use Bureau of Meteorology data to show how temperatures have changed in Australia since 1910. The colours indicate how much the average temperature of each year is above or below the average temperature from 1961 to 1990.
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