
Monday, December 30, 2019

Thank You All and Happy 2020

Dear Readers,

With the coming of the new year, I just want to express my eternal gratitude to all our FSN Community members. I’ve been blessed to be doing this show for 9 years and many of you have been listening to the show the entire time.   My modest expectations have been greatly exceeded – manyfold. It has been a work of love and joy. Like any career there are ups and downs, but unlike most, I have never doubted my decision. Your emails have been all the proof and thanks I require. From estranged families coming back together, to those of you who’ve followed our guests’ wisdom to financial riches, I can look in the mirror every evening and know that I’m doing something that really makes a difference. While I don’t drive a Prius or maliciously advocate for various ill-informed causes, I know that the price of imparting knowledge is often costly beyond dollars and cents.

To know there are many of you out there who follow the show and its guests closely is really all the thanks I need. Podcasting is a solitary path. While I speak with many people, whole days go by when I see nary a soul. But there’s a certain satisfaction that carries me through the days and that is the knowledge that people care, not just about me, but about each other and are only too happy to assist others in need.

To me family is everything. As the children get older and are become increasingly busy with their own lives, the get –  togethers become less frequent. But that makes them all the more meaningful. The past week has been one of great reconnections with my family and close friends. I hope it was for you too.

In my opinion one of the saddest things a person can experience is being alone for the holidays. I always make an extra effort to include one or more such people in our family festivities. It’s such an easy way to bring joy to those who would otherwise be without company in this most joyous time of year.

For the coming year, you’ll notice many changes at FSN. As we continue to grow and become better at what we do, more opportunities open up. We expect to do a total facelift on the site and will be getting even more great guests. We’ll finally be doing more videos now that we’ve mastering the techniques that help make great productions. And as always we’re open to your constructive criticism and suggestions.

To everyone out there, we wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2020 and again many thanks for being with us these past 9 years.

Kerry Lutz

from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/2F85YKo