This is Good News Friday, where we find some good economic, energy, and environmental news and share it with PP readers. Please send any positive news to dd@peakprosperity.com with subject header "Good News Friday." We will save and post weekly. Enjoy!
McConnell, Decried As ‘Moscow Mitch,’ Approves Election Security Money (Jen H.)
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., agreed to add $250 million for election security after having held up earlier legislation.
The money will be used by the federal government and the states, he said, and in a way that McConnell argues is appropriate for the federal system and without unreasonable new mandates from Congress.
The scrolls remained buried in a villa in Herculaneum, believed to be associated with Julius Caesar’s family, until they were re-discovered in 1752. After being charred in the eruption, unpacking the scrolls’ secrets has proven fleeting.
Attempting to physically unroll the scrolls might ruin them.
Nine Latin American Countries Have Set Goal for 70% Renewable Energy—More Than Twice the European Union (Thomas R.)
With the EU only maintaining a goal for 32% energy, Suarez says that Latin American legislators made the announcement for their ambitious new initiative with the intention of putting themselves at the forefront of the international fight against the climate crisis with the UN climate change summit taking place in Chile in December.
New Power Plant Turns Waste into Energy—and Doubles as a Ski Slope and Climbing Wall (Thomas R.)
A hybrid between a building and a landscape, the huge glass and mirrored structure contains planters covering the façade in a checkerboard pattern that might one day give the illusion of a green mountain from every direction.
Unilever Vows To Reduce Plastic Packaging Use By 2025 (Thomas R.)
“One [way] is making sure they’re doing public disclosure of all the data and progress so they’re not just telling Greenpeace and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, but they’re going to be telling the public what their progress looks like, and being transparent about their plastics use in a much more open way than they have been historically,” Graham Forbes, Global Plastics Project Leader at Greenpeace, said.
The 24 Highest Calorie Vegetables for Your Survival Garden (Thomas R.)
There has been a trend for years in the nutrition industry to push us more and more towards vegetarianism. The idea of living off of nothing but vegetables probably appeals to people like this, but that doesn’t necessarily make it right. While vegetables may be great for providing us with a variety of necessary micronutrients, they aren’t known for providing a lot of calories. That’s why people on diets tend to eat a lot of salads and other green leafy vegetables.
Paris Has Opened Its First Green Cemetery (Sparky1)
In order to meet the green-burial standards, elements used in burials will have to be biodegradable. Coffins and urns must be made of cardboard or unvarnished, locally-sourced wood. The deceased must forego chemical conservation (embalming) techniques and should be buried wearing clothes made of natural fibers. Traditional gravestones will be replaced with “discreet” wooden markers, according to the city.
U.S. Contributes to $100 Million Public-Private Partnership to Preserve Wetlands and Waterfowl (Thomas R.)
Wetland areas constitute one of the most important and also fragile ecosystems in the nation and the world. They’re home to a panoply of specialized plants that act as a buffer between storm surges and property, they help to prevent soil erosion, and provide nesting and feeding habitat for hundreds of waterbird species.
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