Most readers know we've been hard at work behind the scenes rebuilding the guts of the PeakProsperity.com website.
For a few months now, we've been saying that we're approaching the date when we'll move the website off of an older technology platform (Drupal 6) and migrate it to a much better one for us (the latest WordPress version).
Well, that date has now arrived. We're in the process of making the transition as you read this.
The migration will take us roughly 24 hours to complete. We expect to be done with the entire migration by Tuesday evening.
While it's going on, you won't be able to make comments on the site.
And once we've successfully launched on the new platform, you'll have to re-login to the site to make a comment or, if you're a paying subscriber, to access our premium content.
To do that, just click the “Login” button at the top of the website:
And if you're having trouble remembering your password, just use our (improved) “request new password” feature:
As with any major new technology roll-out, there will be bugs — lots of them! Our ask is that you:
- report any major ones you find, and
- be patient with us as we scramble to fix them in the days following the launch.
Every new major site release has things unexpected go wrong — this will be no exception. But we commit to tirelessly working to resolve them as they get identified.
If you need to bring anything urgently to our attention during this migration, please contact us by emailing support@peakprosperity.com
What To Expect
Here's what to expect from this website transition:
- The “look and feel” of the PeakProsperity.com website won't change. The new site will look almost identical to the old. You'll be able to read and navigate the site the exact same way.
- Features and functionality will remain the same, but the controls will look a little different. For example, the comment submission fields will be located in the same place and act the same way. But WordPress designs the controls differently than Drupal, so the interface will look at little new to you.
- The Today's Markets module on the home page will finally be working! We've replaced the old broken module with a cool new scrolling ticker of the financial prices we monitor most frequently each day. It's a very useful at-a-glance update of what's happening during the day, and it provides one-click access to our awesome and also newly-improved Today's Market page
- Groups have been rolled back into Forums. After trying hard for 7 years to get folks to interact with our Groups, we've concluded that its best they now live within the Forums, and that going forward, we focus on making the Forums the best they can be.
Thanks in advance for your tolerance of our 'transition pains' as we launch this new site version.
Being on WordPress opens up the door to releasing a long list of new services and improvements to the PeakProsperity.com experience that we've been dreaming about for years. We can't wait to start using this new platform to make this website's offering even better for you!
from Peak Prosperity http://bit.ly/2VGw5lp