The Crash In US Economic Fundamentals Is Accelerating (thc0655)
GDP rigging is mostly a government affair, as much of how GDP is calculated today includes government spending. So, even though the government has to steal your money through taxation in order to then spend money, government spending is still counted as “production”. This includes programs like Obamacare, which despite assumptions among some conservatives, continues to operate today. “Official” establishment estimates of government spending as a percentage of GDP stand at around 20%. More accurate estimates accounting for ALL expenditures show that US government spending accounts for around 35% of GDP. This is an enormous fraud.
More than 20 dead as violence flares between Gaza and Israel (TS)
The violence is following a pattern established over the past year in which short-lived exchanges have erupted on a near-monthly basis, usually dying down quickly under Egyptian and UN mediation. Late on Sunday a TV station belonging to Hamas claimed a ceasefire had been reached, however, the battling sides vowed to pursue each other aggressively on Sunday and moved further than in previous flare-ups.
Federal Lending to Insolvent Pension Plans Is Code for Bailout (thc0655)
It is highly convenient for the politicians that under the bill no default on principal repayment could occur by definition until the balloon payment in 30 years. Assuming defaults start to occur in 2050, a member of Congress who is now 60 years old would be 91, if still living. “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today,” said the instructive cartoon character, Wimpy. Likewise, “We’ll gladly pay in 30 years for a bailout today” is a natural human response to financial failure.
Stocks Tumble on Fresh Trade Worries; Oil Declines: Markets Wrap (jdargis)
“It’s making the outcomes more binary, with everybody focused on the Friday deadline — there doesn’t seem to be much leeway now to much go past that,” Joyce Chang, chair of global research at JPMorgan Chase & Co., said on Bloomberg Television. “It’s going to mean that investors will be very focused on the trade issues even beyond China,” with a review of U.S. auto-import tariffs still pending, she said.
Stocks and Precious Metals Charts – ‘The Envy of the World’- Bloomberg Cites ‘the Endless Rally’ (thc0655)
Maybe it won’t be so bad this time. The Fed does own a printing press, and the rationales for using it freely are becoming increasingly persuasive to those who would deceive and be deceived.
Human Drugs Are Polluting the Water—And Animals Are Swimming in It (jdargis)
Waterways can contain traces of many drugs—among them antifungals, antimicrobials, and antibacterials, as well as ones for pain, fertility, mood, sleeplessness, and neurodegenerative diseases. If current trends persist, scientists estimate, the volume of pharmaceuticals diffusing into fresh water could increase by two-thirds by 2050. Recent modeling shows that a platypus living in a contaminated stream in Melbourne is already likely to ingest more than half a recommended adult dose of antidepressants every day.
Ebola: the numbers tell their own story (thc0655)
Look at the spike in reported cases since April, in the graph above. That’s after the renewed violence hit, and Ebola treatment centers were targeted. What’s even worse is that those are only the known cases. As I’ve pointed out before, in the thick bush and equatorial forest of those regions, I won’t be at all surprised to find that the actual number of cases (and fatalities) is three to four times higher than reported. It might be ten times higher, for all we know.
The Glut Cometh (thc0655)
It wasn’t because GM sold “gas guzzlers”- trucks and SUVs. Or rather, it wasn’t because GM was ignoring market demand for smaller, more efficient cars. People loved those “gas guzzling” trucks and SUVs – including Hummers, which GM was selling three different versions of, very successfully.
People wanted them, so GM built them – and sold them. Chrysler and Ford did the same.
Exclusive: Images show North Korea missile launch as Pyongyang tests Trump (TS)
The missile test, North Korea’s first since 2017, serves as a clear warning of leader Kim Jong Un’s frustration at the state of talks with the US, which have been deadlocked since President Donald Trump walked out of their Vietnam summit early in February. The launch follows a warm meeting between Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin less than two weeks ago and likely signals more tests to come, Lewis said.
The Giant Panda Is a Closet Carnivore (tmn)
In other words, “the giant panda does what human vegetarians do,” says Silvia Pineda-Munoz of the Georgia Institute of Technology. “We have high protein requirements, so we wouldn’t be able to survive if we just ate kale salad. Thus, we choose to eat tofu, beans, nuts, and other plant-based foods that compensate for the protein we aren’t getting from animal products. In the end, vegetarians and nonvegetarians don’t have such different diets when it comes to nutrients.” And so it is with China’s black-and-white bear.
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