Is this economy too good to be true? (Thomas R.)
As the economy continues to grow past what many predicted was possible, some analysts and officials are wondering if the current state of the economy is too good to be true — and that experts must be missing warning signs.
How Do People Afford to Live in the Bay Area? We Asked, You Answered (Adam)
“If I had to live off my salary only, it would be a stretch. My husband and I are putting off retirement because living off retirement funds won’t cut it.”
“Working a job I wish I could quit but pays fairly well, so I am stuck.”
Push Them Hard Enough and the Productive Class Will Opt Out of Servitude (thc0655)
The craze for early retirement among highly paid workers is a manifestation of burnout: young workers see the destructive toll of stress and overwork on their older peers and vow to scrimp and save to avoid that fate. Young workers who burn out end up back at home or in low-key, low-pay jobs that don’t demand their life and their soul in trade for a big salary.
Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Might Work Like Loyalty Points (Thomas R.)
Facebook appears to be already building out the plumbing to make its marketplace a reality. At its F8 developer conference this week, the word “blockchain” was notably absent. But even as Zuckerberg emphasized the company’s plan to reorganize your Facebook experience around intimate relationships, his update included plenty of ways money would be involved.
Grokking The Con (thc0655)
Except for a brief moment at the very dawn of the car age, EVs haven’t been able to compete with gas and diesel-powered cars in terms of their economics or their practicality. Only a small handful of quirky (and affluent) people would freely choose to spend 50-plus percent more to buy an EV that goes half as far as an IC-powered car and needs at least 5-6 times as long to recharge as an IC-powered car takes to refuel.
The Real Cost Of Living Increase Index (thc0655)
But the change affected more than entitlements. Because increases in corporate salaries and retirement benefits have traditionally been tied to the CPI, the change affected everything. And now, 30 years later, everyone knows the long-term results. Ask anyone who relies on a salary or Social Security or a pension and he’ll tell you his annual increase in income doesn’t come close to his increase in expenses. What comes in is less than what goes out — a situation that spells disaster for average Americans.
Oil Market Is Set To Become Very Tight Later This Year (Thomas R.)
“The Jul/Aug spread continues to move into deeper backwardation, with the spread trading as high as US$0.78/bbl this morning, up from US$0.61/bbl on Tuesday. This spread strength does suggest that the spot physical market continues to tighten,” Patterson noted.
Pediatrician Who Treated Immigrant Children Describes Pattern of Lapses in Medical Care in Shelters (tmn)
Children, including infants, were showing up as many as 10 weeks late for their booster vaccines, increasing their risk of contracting infectious diseases, she said. There were an unusual number of no-shows and cancellations, even though nearly all the health center’s clinics are within a half-hour of the shelters. And the shelters routinely failed to schedule the prescribed follow-up appointments after emergency room visits, psychiatric admissions and hospitalizations.
8 Ways To Teach Climate Change In Almost Any Classroom (JK)
The “reality of human-caused climate change” is mentioned in at least 36 state standards, according to an analysis done for NPR Ed by Glenn Branch, the deputy director at the National Center for Science Education. But it typically appears only briefly — and most likely just in earth science classes in middle and high school. And, Branch says, that doesn’t even mean that every student in those states learns about it: Only two states require students to take earth or environmental science classes to graduate from high school.
The Mississippi River Has Been Flooding For 41 Days Now (tmn)
The upper Mississippi was inundated with massive amounts of rain earlier this week, exacerbating the already high river level. “The state of Iowa has received more precipitation in the last 12 months than any recorded period in 124 years of data,” Bob Gallagher, the mayor of the upriver town of Bettendorf, told reporters Friday. “When you get as much rain as we have this year there’s just no way to avoid this situation.”
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