Bitcoin Tumbles After Officials Allege $850 Million Fraud (Sparky1)
The exact identity of the Panamanian payment processor, Crypto Capital, is unclear. According to the attorney general, Bitfinex, which is incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, relied on a shadowy network of money agents, including “human being friends of Bitfinex employees that were willing to use their bank accounts to transfer money to Bitfinex clients.”
The antibiotics industry is broken—but there’s a fix (jdargis)
The larger story of the Achaogen bankruptcy is that the financial structures that sustained antibiotic development for decades are broken. If we want new antibiotics, we’re going to have to find new ways to pay for them. And that will involve hard choices with big dollar signs attached.
Over 1,000 quarantined in measles scare at LA universities (Sparky1)
Those under the quarantine were instructed to stay at home and avoid contact with others. They also were barred from traveling by public transportation, including planes, trains, buses or taxis. If they must travel for an emergency, they were told to notify public health officials first.
Just how hard is it to fight a parking ticket in L.A.? Here’s one Angeleno’s story (tmn)
“I mean, that’s a car payment and some groceries,” she said. “I’m an artist and my money goes up and down. And when my money is down, and the city took $300 I could use, that’s hard.”
She wasn’t the only one saddled with expensive fines. Erin Senne, who lives down the street, said she too had been checking the signs.
From Uganda To Tokyo: Meet the kids of the global climate strike movement (tmn)
It has exploded in popularity. From a few isolated events to the first nationwide action in February with 20,000 young people demonstrating around the country. In March we then saw 50,000 in over 150 towns and cities, with 20,000 students in London alone! People are talking about climate change, politicians are looking to meet with us to hear our demands. Adults are being inspired. Were changing the face of the climate movement. What’s next?
The Teenager Schooling World Leaders on Climate Change (JK)
Frustrated by the lack of attention from policymakers, Greta held a strike in August 2018, missing class to sit in protest in front of the Swedish Parliament with a sign that read “Skolstrejk för Klimatet” (“School Strike for the Climate”). She vowed to hold strikes every Friday until Sweden was in alignment with the Paris Agreement.
Hundreds of dead dolphins wash up on French coast (Sparky1)
The observatory said that around 85 perecent of the dolphin carcasses that could be examined bore traces of accidental capture, while noting that almost three times as many dead dolphins had likely not even reached the coast.
A running list of how President Trump is changing environmental policy (edelinski)
President Trump signed two executive orders that will smooth the path for companies to build oil and gas pipelines and limit the tools states have to block them.
The Trump administration, as part of their “Energy Dominance” initiative, has consistently sought to streamline the domestic energy production process. These two executive orders follow in that pattern.
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