
Friday, September 22, 2017

Crisis Preparation: What To Do

Crisis Preparation: What To Do

Executive Summary

  • Why doing nothing is no longer an option
  • Our recommended steps to take for
    • Finances
    • Home
    • Personal Safety
    • Health
  • Plus: lots of links to related resources

If you have not yet read Part 1: When a Storm Approaches available free to all readers, please click here to read it first.

What To Do

In response to a prior recent report, member Texas_Engineer wrote:

Once again I reach the final summation of your report in which I am looking for some specific actions to take and all I see is a summary of how bad things are going to be. I detect a constant drumbeat that precious metals may rise but still see no clear recommendations for what we should do.

Fair criticism. I write so often about these actions that I feel like I am being overly repetitive and sometimes leave them out.

I should not assume either that people have read them before, or that there’s no advantage in repeating them.

Here’s what I think everybody should do, regardless of circumstances...

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from Peak Prosperity http://ift.tt/2xm4nhH