
Friday, September 18, 2020

Brock Pierce for President?

from Kerry Lutz's Financial Survival Network

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Since his humble beginnings as a child actor in The Mighty Ducks and First Kid, Brock Pierce has utilized his entrepreneurial spirit to develop and fund over one hundred companies, including Tether which is the #1 most traded cryptocurrency with an annual volume of $10 trillion and a daily trading volume that surpasses Bitcoin at $21 billion. Brock also founded Blockchain Capital with which he gave rise to the security token offering (STO), allowing people to make secure investments in digital currency. Additionally, he constructed a valuable platform for launching cryptocurrency methods in a revolutionary process called Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and established the first digital marketplace for virtual goods within online gaming which is projected to reach $190 billion in revenue by 2025. All of these innovations have ultimately led to establishing new fields of work which have created new jobs for Americans.

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/3mBd3HB