
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Danger of Media Bias with Frank Vernuccio

from Financial Survival Network

Frank Vernuccio is back… In a nation ruled by the people, the media and educators play a vital role. Voters need unbiased reporting. and the historic knowledge to place news into context. That reality makes the leftist bias of most news, academic, and entertainment outlets deeply troubling. It’s not just bias that is disturbing. Major stories that do not fit in with progressive views are frequently ignored. Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s recent bizarre statement that blacks who vote Republican aren’t really black is a prime example. The media didn’t make much of the comment, despite the fact that both the historic and current record of the Democratic Party is hardly conducive to black interests. It’s hardly mentioned that it is the party that started a Civil War to protect slavery, then pursued segregation in the Reconstruction era. It is the party that idolized Margaret Sanger, who staunchly advocated abortion explicitly to reduce the number of black babies being born. Its “Great Society” economic policies, perhaps inadvertently, created economic conditions that delayed blacks from moving into the middle class. An educational system overwhelmingly dominated by Democrats refuses to teach those facts to students. The bias makes reasonable debate politically risky; conservative viewpoints are inevitably portrayed as cruel. Consider the new third rail of political discourse: Those who criticize any spending program produced in the name of COVID, no matter how pointless, ineffective, excessive, corrupt, or even wholly ridiculous, will be castigated as heartless.

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network https://ift.tt/3jJkPhr