Neglect of children at the border has long-term consequences (edelinski)
No soap contributes to a disease-ridden environment, and children with health issues tend to have poor emotional skills and mental well-being. Common complications of not treating illnesses like flu and sinus infections, for example, include bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, and ear infections. Deplorable physical conditions including dirty and disorganized environments can cause depression and even aggressive, angry, or violent behavior.
The Trump Administration Is Planning Mass Video Proceedings For Immigrants In Tents On The Border (tmn)
So far, the MPP has sent immigrants to Mexico but returned them for hearings in traditional brick-and-mortar courtrooms, where immigration judges almost always sit a few feet from the migrants and their lawyers, and journalists and representatives from immigrant advocacy groups observe from benches in the spectator section. But the new plan is to erect giant tents, each one subdivided into several courts, and each court containing migrants but no judges, reporters, or observers.
Evacuation authorized at Navy’s China Lake following second quake (Sparky1)
The southern California base experienced a 5.0 magnitude earthquake at 8:16 p.m., Friday followed by a 7.1 magnitude temblor three minutes later as well as multiple aftershocks, according to a post on the base Facebook page.
China Lake was already closed since a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and numerous aftershocks rocked the area Thursday.
The Power of One Push-Up (Adam)
Except in extreme cases, no single number gives a good idea of whether a person is functionally healthy or not. The common numbers are not directly or easily changeable. As these numbers continue to dominate health care, however, an emerging body of evidence is finding useful and cheap numbers that anyone can track. If these new numbers aren’t being taken seriously, it may be because they seem too obvious.
Weightlifting better at reducing heart fat than aerobic exercise (Adam)
While the study doesn’t explain why weight training would have a different effect from endurance training, “we know from other studies that resistance training is a stronger stimulus for increased muscle mass and increased basal metabolism compared to endurance training and we therefore speculate that participants doing resistance training burn more calories during the day – also in inactive periods – compared to those engaged in endurance training,” Christensen said in an email.
AfroFuture Fest shared a message on their event page on ticketing site Eventbrite, explaining their price discrepancy. They explained that their ticket structure was built to ensure people in the community would have an equitable chance to enjoy the event.
U.S. farmers stalk fraudulent imports to save their markets (Don R.)
Sales of organic food have more than doubled in the United States in the past 10 years, to $48 billion a year, but U.S. acreage devoted to organic grain has not kept up. Less than 1% of row crops in the country are certified organic, so U.S. organic grain farmers can’t produce enough feed for the animals that supply organic eggs, milk and meat.
The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Our choices are grim (tmn)
Then there’s what scientists and economists and number-crunching consultants call “managed retreat”: Move back, relocate, essentially cede the land to nature. These words alone have roiled the few cities bold enough to utter them. Mayors have been ousted, planning documents rewritten, campaigns waged over the very thought of turning prime real estate back into dunes and beaches.
The issue is expected to come to a head on Wednesday, when the California Coastal Commission holds a public hearing on the plan.
The FWS published a final environmental impact statement in March, a 300-page document more than a decade in the making. Since its draft was published in 2013, more than 34,000 people have signed a Change.org petition objecting to the proposal.
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