In this week's Off The Cuff podcast, Chris and I discuss:
- Chris' recent presentation to NASA
- The promise of our current meetings in Dallas with large media outlet
- The recent spike in media interest in the Peak Prosperity message
- Why the markets are "too calm" right now
While on the road, Chris and I sit down to share our observations of the fast start to 2017 that Peak Prosperity is experiencing. Likely due to the uncertainty following the US presidential election, this is the busiest start we've seen in years in terms of new audiences requesting access to the message.
I ask Chris for a debrief of his trip to Pensacola, FL last week for NASA's centennial celebration -- where he and other big brains discussed what should be NASA's priorities for the next 100 years. Then, he and I discuss the warm reception our message is receiving from the large media company we're meeting with in Dallas.
from Peak Prosperity