- Slaughter on the streets: Brazilian city sees its murder rate go up 650% after police go on strike, with 52 murders in just THREE DAYS across lawless region
- The U.S. military's stats on deadly airstrikes are wrong. Thousands have gone unreported
- Silver Market Set Up For Much Higher Price Move Than Gold
- U.S. Exorbitant Privilege At Risk?!
- David Stockman – Get out of Stocks Now!
- Goldman Stunned By Collapse In Gasoline Demand: "This Would Require A US Recession"
- Oil Prices Tank After API Reports 2nd Biggest Crude Build In U.S. History
- A Top Climate Scientist Blows the Whistle on Shoddy Climate Science
- The Next American Farm Bust Is Upon Us
from Peak Prosperity http://ift.tt/2k7YPwD