
Monday, July 18, 2016

Jeff Berwick – Everybody’s Favorite Anarchist: Time to Tax Everyone’s Breath

from Financial Survival Network

Jeff Berwick joined us at Freedomfest. As always he was ranting against the overreach of the state and it’s increasing demands and extortion of the people. Jeff believes that the world is leaning more towards anarcho-capitalism. The Freedomfest group now opposes all criminalization of drugs and much government control of the market. Bitcoin’s assent is another example. And here’s a great Churchill quote, “One day, Winston Churchill went to the bathroom and ran into the head of the Labour Party, who was his political opponent. Churchill took the urinal furthest from him. The head of the Labour Party asked Churchill if he was just being modest. Churchill responded, ‘Not at all. It’s just that whenever you Labourite chaps see something that is large, privately owned and working well, you want to nationalize it.” His rival burst out laughing, and the Labour Party abandoned the nationalization bill it was planning to introduce.'”

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from Kerry Lutz Podcasts – Financial Survival Network http://ift.tt/29K74Kf