
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Toddlers to be Screened for Mental Health Conditions and Drugged with Big Pharma’s Toxic Chemicals

by Ethan A. Huff, Natural News:

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently announced a disgraceful revision to its diagnosis guidelines for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The group now says that children as young as four (the previous minimum screening age was six) can and should be screened for mental health conditions and, if diagnosed, given the same aggressive drug therapies as older children.

The revision comes as a shock to many who recognize the ever-encroaching assault against health freedom that is the mental health screening and treatment industry. Based on the changes, preschoolers on upward can now be identified and targeted by psychiatric “experts” for taxpayer-funded mental health screenings, and parents who refuse to allow their children to be screened can potentially be charged with child abuse.

It is important to note that a primary goal of the pharmaceutical industry and its medical group allies is to diagnose as many children as possible with conditions like ADHD in order to enroll them into aggressive drug therapies. And one way in which this cohort is accomplishing its goal is by gradually chipping away at a parents fundamental right to make the ultimate decision in medical protocols and treatment for their own children.

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from SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom http://ift.tt/22sDu1N