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Top Finance And Economic News Today. Your one stop site for news about USA and global economy, gold, silver, investing, geo politics, mining stocks. We cover news about and from Jim Rogers, Jim (James) Rickards, Mike Maloney, Peter Schiff, Greg Mannarino, Greg Hunter, SGT Report, Robert Kiyosaki, Martin Armstrong, Bo Polny, Eric King, King World News, Bix Weir, Paul Craig Roberts, Dollar Vigilante and many more.
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The highest goals of public and /or national level health agencies should always be doing the greatest good when the totality of their efforts are summed up. This means that after all is said and done, fewer people die in a given year and more people are living healthier lives.
That is, less mortality and less morbidity (sickness).
How have the various agencies done in the US on those fronts? Terribly! They get an “F.” In 2021 excess deaths (above expected baselines) are higher than they should be, by far, and are even running above 2020 levels – the supposed height of the pandemic.
What are the reasons for this? We don’t know. For some reason the national health agencies are not only silent on the matter, but apparently completely uninterested. In Part 2 we uncover why they are doing this. Hint: it has nothing to do with public health or your personal health.
Click here to go to Part 2 of this episode, available to our paying members.
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With inflation now rivaling what was seen in the 1970s, this is why you must own physical gold in this great inflation where money is being destroyed.
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As we get ready to kickoff trading in the month of December, look at these stunning charts, plus gold and mining stocks.
The post Look At These Stunning Charts, Plus Gold And Mining Stocks appeared first on King World News.
How inflation, climate change and energy costs are pushing up food prices
In the US, inflation is now above six percent, and globally, food prices are at their highest since 2011. Climate change, energy demands and inflation are causing shortages and driving up costs in some of the poorest nations. Wall Street Journal reporter Samantha Pearson joins Hari Sreenivasan from Sao Paulo, Brazil, to discuss the crisis.
Green Upheaval: The New Geopolitics of Energy
It is not hard to understand why people dream of a future defined by clean energy. As greenhouse gas emissions continue to grow and as extreme weather events become more frequent and harmful, the current efforts to move beyond fossil fuels appear woefully inadequate.
UK farmers may have to cut livestock count to save rivers, says expert
UK farmers may have to reduce the number of animals they keep because of the critical state of some river catchments, a pollution expert from the government’s environment watchdog has said.
How do NFTs impact the environment?
NFTs are the new crypto market craze, but their damaging effect on the environment, as well as total lack of regulation, has many concerned.
More And More Americans Are Smoking Pot. What Does That Mean For Their Health?
Epidemiologists are still alarmed at just how many Americans are smoking pot, but they admit that pot isn’t the health menace we were once told it was — and there’s some evidence that a little bit of pot could be a good thing for adults.
New antiviral drugs are coming for COVID. Here’s what you need to know
If authorized by the FDA, the new antiviral pill, molnupiravir — made by the drug companies Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics — would be the first oral home treatment available for mild to moderate COVID-19. A second antiviral pill, Paxlovid — from the drug company Pfizer — is being vetted by the FDA and authorization could soon follow.
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By: Phil Denniston
It’s 6:00 AM on Thursday, December 25th, 2031, and just like clockwork, the birds begin to chirp through the speakers built into the walls. Quietly at first, and then louder.
“Alexa, I’m awake”.
It’s nice to wake up and not be afraid. The sheets are clean, and there’s black coffee waiting in the common area. Usually. Well, sometimes.
“Alexa, what’s my Social Credit Score (SCS)?”
Shit! Down five points, just like that, and only last night I had a 91. I was kind of expecting it, but I check the Metaverse anyway… At least the notification is private: Reminiscing pre-WGW.
Stop being so stupid, Quinn.
They allowed us two holiday drinks, and I got wishy-washy. I wasn’t criticizing. I know we need to sacrifice. Sometimes, I just miss the old days, like when we could travel.
It’s my 2nd warning; a 3rd will shade my Meta profile red for two months.
I’ve been so good; they must appreciate that. Whatever they use to track my carbon has to be almost perfect; I haven’t left the Pod in 68 days. My consumption and productivity levels are good, and I don’t like, share, or create misinformation. I’ve never even fallen for any of their Meta-Traps.
Don’t worry. I’ve still got all three Citizenship Badges: Climate, Justice, and Compliance. Mom and dad are proud, I just know it.
Sometimes though, I just want to talk about the past.
It feels like yesterday, back when we called them Thanksgiving and Christmas. Driving three hours from blistery UMass in dad’s old Civic back to Tarrytown, NY the anticipation was electric.
After months at school, there was nothing better than Christmas Day. The smell of Mom’s famous dinner, twin turkey and hams roasting in the oven as she quizzed me on classes, friendships, dating and parties, mixing gravy with that big smile, her favorite Christmas carols setting the mood to perfection.
Dad mashed away at the potatoes, reminding us how they always taste better a little chunky, and with the skin on. He never liked helping in the kitchen, except when it was time to mix the drinks.
Laughter roared in from the yard, sisters and cousins taking turns on all the new toys Santa brought – sleds, scooters, bikes, and trikes – six cars front-to-end in the driveway. A fire crackled on in the fireplace under five stockings from the mantle as the Giants game played for no one in particular in the den.
It was as good as it gets, the holidays we shared before the Twin Emergencies. Before the global COVID and Climate Pandemics changed everything.
It’s so different now, sometimes it feels like that was all a dream. Or is this the dream?
It’s hard to reconcile the emotions. All that love, it quickly gives way to shame, an anxiety that’s hard to bear, thinking back to the carbon footprint we made, even on a single day in December.
We were so stupid, all of us.
We didn’t realize, but we should have. It was us. It was all of us, Americans especially… we were killing the planet. We were the cause of the Climate cancer that strangled Mother Earth.
Thank goodness for COVID-19.
It united the world, or much of it, to save the climate. Leaders from the USA, Europe, New Zealand and Australia mobilized our collective strength. They created a World Government for the West (WGW), to curtail twin COVID and Climate Crises. They partnered with big corporations – big tech, big banks, and big box stores – to introduce an inventory-management of people, products, and information.
They told us what to do to save the planet, to protect each other, and to save ourselves.
It started slowly. After the vaccines and booster campaigns, we had to come together as one to beat COVID, “the War-on-COVID”, we began to call it.
It was the only way back to normal, they said. I remember the day I was finally able to get my fourth Moderna booster. I cried when I finally got to see Mom and Dad again.
Some didn’t want the vaccines. They believed the misinformation; it was everywhere.
Meta worked hard to take it down, the misinformation. We had armies of Fact Checkers, but at first, it just kept popping up. Lies about vaccine deaths or injuries were everywhere.
They even tried to blame the effects of climate change – like heart disease in children – on the vaccines.
Misinformation had become weaponized – it was now called “Cyber Terror” – they told us, maybe from Russia or domestic terrorist, white supremacist groups. The media would do their best to protect us.
If you stayed in your lane, wore your mask, and followed CDC, you could be safe.
We were allowed to go places and do things if we stayed current on boosters, while it became hard for the unvaccinated. If you can’t protect your community, you can’t participate.
Sorry, not sorry.
Leading up to the 2024 election, there was another surge of COVID from a new, Sigma variant. Unlike Delta and Omicron, Variants of Concern, the CDC and WHO called Sigma a Variant of High Consequence. This meant that prevention and medical countermeasures had significantly reduced effectiveness.
It was all over the news…
“The Sigma variant is said to have mutated and transmitted from Patient Zero, an unvaccinated woman in Ocala, FL, a mother of three admitted members of the Proud Boys. The deadly strain of COVID 19 is vaccine resistant. The CDC reports a disproportionately high number of infections in the vaccinated population, and low vaccine-induced protection against severe illness and hospitalization.”
Most States went back into full lockdown mode – essential businesses only – while Pfizer, Jansen, and Moderna created new boosters, in some cases doubling the dose of active ingredients.
Harris-Warren ran on a campaign of vaccine mandates to end-the-lockdowns.
They won re-election over Trump-DeSantis by the widest margin ever, receiving 71% of the popular vote. The conspiracy theorists said that was impossible, but so many of us just hated Trump.
Though she stepped into the role after Biden’s stroke and sudden death in 2022, to have a black woman elected President was a huge victory, with another woman serving as VP.
On January 6th, President Harris issued Executive Order (EO) 14575 mandating that every American over three be fully vaccinated against COVID 19, including boosters every six months.
There were more riots at the Capital, another insurrection.
Protests erupted and became riots on both sides. The unvaccinated were the problem. They were the reason we couldn’t go back to normal. They wanted ‘individual liberty’, ‘state’s rights’, and chanted ‘my body, my choice’, but COVID doesn’t give any of us a choice. It’s about protecting our community.
We had to protect our community.
Some – even the same people turning up at opposing rallies – seemed to want only rage and destruction. They wanted to blow everything up to pay for America’s sins.
Pallets of brick somehow arrived on street corners ahead of scheduled rallies.
The destruction was allowed to go on, described as peaceful, even justified. Any country that allowed nearly 100 years of legalized slavery, that justifies the destruction of property.
I was so naïve, with my white privilege.
To me, slavery had been the stuff of history books, but that was foolish thinking – white privilege – thinking that way, not knowing any better. So much guilt and shame, as I look back at who I was.
Shame about slavery, shame about racism, shame about climate.
Dozens of cities burned, and local police departments were overwhelmed. Governors pleaded for help, and the Harris Administration stepped in to bring order, issuing 35 new Executive Orders for Martial Law with curfews, restrictions on hate speech, and temporarily suspending the 2nd Amendment.
People were asked to turn in their guns, and received reimbursement. Neighbors, friends, and family members who identified others harboring guns were rewarded with $15,000 each.
Anyone opposing the new rules was labeled a white supremacist, anti-vaxxer, or domestic terrorist. Military vehicles paraded through the streets, rounding them up for reeducation in quarantine camps.
We were happy to see them go, to see the fighting stop.
The rioting ended, but America was anxious. We wondered if we would ever get to go back to normal. If everyone just follows the rules, we can be safe again, I kept reminding myself.
The President had a plan, they announced. Five women would lead us out of crisis, a first in history, America’s finest hour. We watched as Harris delivered a virtual State of the Union.
“My administration is making history. I am happy to report an end to suffering in America. No longer will single mothers have to work two jobs to put food on the table. No more will seniors need to skip meals to buy a modest birthday present for a grandchild. Together with Vice President Warren, Secretary Yellen, Chairwoman Brainard, and Comptroller Omarova, we will continue to Build Back Better, assuring every hardworking American gets a Universal Basic Income, above the poverty line.”
Roaring applause were chimed into the broadcast, and just like that, they ended poverty.
They rolled it out with an all-Digital Dollar, giving us all our own accounts with the Central Bank. I got $1,850 per month, and married couples got $2,775.
People stopped getting married after that.
The money came through an App on our phones, FedNow, but businesses got greedy, raising prices. We had more money, so they thought they could get away with charging more.
Capitalism is so gross.
Nobody was poor, but many of us still didn’t have things. It cost a lot just to get by.
Subscribers can read Part II of this story here.
The post Merry Christmas, from 2031 (Part I) appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
As we come to the end of trading for the month of November, here is a look at silver preparing for liftoff, easy money, more inflation and Fed un-taper?
The post Silver Preparing For Liftoff, Easy Money, More Inflation And Fed Un-Taper? appeared first on King World News.
Silver bottoming formation suggests strong year-end rally but look at what else is happening.
The post Silver Bottomming Formation Suggests Strong Year-End Rally But Look At What Else Is Happening appeared first on King World News.
Europe’s Energy Crisis Is About to Get Worse as Winter Arrives
The region is back at the epicenter of the pandemic again with Covid-19 cases surging and fears about a new variant identified in South Africa swirling the globe. Restrictions are being tightened in some countries, while household budgets are being squeezed by rampant inflation.
Why the Energy Transition Will Be So Complicated
To appreciate the complexities of the competing demands between climate action and the continued need for energy, consider the story of an award—one that the recipient very much did not want and, indeed, did not bother to pick up.
Nurdles: the worst toxic waste you’ve probably never heard of
Billions of these tiny plastic pellets are floating in the ocean, causing as much damage as oil spills, yet they are still not classified as hazardous.
Canada issues weather ‘red alert’ for British Columbia
Environment Canada has issued its first “red alert” for British Columbia ahead of what officials are characterizing as a dangerous weather system expected to push more atmospheric rivers into the province.
Study shows how vitamin D could halt lung inflammation in COVID-19
A new joint study by Purdue University and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) demonstrates how an active metabolite of vitamin D — not a form sold OTC — is involved in “switching off” inflammation in the body during infections such as COVID-19.
Digital health apps in Germany – An update on the DiGA journey
Digital therapeutics have been on the German market for a year. Healthcare IT News explores the progress made, as well as future developments and their potential influence on other countries’ eHealth strategies.
The post Daily Digest 11/29 — “Nurdles” Wreaking Havoc in World’s Oceans; B.C. Under Unprecedented Weather Red Alert appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
The price movements this week were entirely dominated by what happened on Friday. OMICRON!
Let’s start with crude oil. Check out the $10 drop in the price of the master resource on the half-day of trading on Friday. It was a remarkable move. Crude is now in a reasonably strong downtrend.
On Tuesday, there was a crude oil rally following President Grandpa announcing a 50m barrel SPR release (8% of the total US emergency oil supply). Why would prices rally following an announcement of “more supply”? This happens a lot in markets. When prices move in opposition to where “common sense” suggests they should go (supply/demand says – more oil supply should move prices lower, but price rallied instead) – this means the “more supply” announcement was expected, but ended up being much less impressive than participants had feared. “Wow. I’m underwhelmed. BUY!” But of course this bullish move was totally overwhelmed by OMICRON on Friday.
The orchestrated OMICRON terror campaign caused crude prices to plunge, but this move wasn’t about energy overall. See what happened to natgas on Friday: +8.09%, a large move up. So while gasoline-to-travel will get cheaper, natgas to heat your home (or to run your local power plant) will become more expensive. +8% is a decent-sized move for natgas.
Gold spent most of the week selling off – on Friday it actually tried to rally, but the rally mostly failed. For the week, gold dropped -55.66 [-3.01%]. It is now right at the 200 & 50 MA lines.
The buck spent most of the week moving higher – right up until Friday, when it sold off hard [-0.80%]. The buck ended the week basically flat [+0.07%]; it remains in an uptrend – but Friday’s move could signal a bearish reversal. OMICRON appears to have caused money to flee the buck – moving back to plague-ridden (but really, lockdown-ridden) Europe. As always, its not the plague that matters, its the reaction to the plague that drives everything.
We saw a (very?) rare plunge in equities on Friday – SPX fell -2.20%, and it is now in a moderate downtrend. The VIX shot up +10 to 28.62. This was a very large move in the VIX. Money is leaving US equities, at least for now – I’m guessing that’s aligned with the drop in the buck also. OMICRON!
If we use the “Martin Armstrong” equity analysis: on Friday, NDX -2.09%, SPX -2.27%, DJI -2.53%, this suggests that a fair amount of the drop in equities had to do with international capital flows. DJI = international capital, NDX = domestic capital.
The 10-year treasury did very well on Friday, up +1.10% [10 year yield fell -16 bp to 1.48%] and probably printed a daily bullish reversal also. This suggests a flight to safety – at least domestically.
Finally, crappy debt: JNK fell -0.76% on Friday, and -1.31% on the week. Crappy debt really looks awful, and has for a while now. To me, this suggests a combination of rising rates, as well as (now) risk-off. Although – as the candle print suggests – this could be a low too. Its hard to say.
As for the rest of the items on Friday:
So based on prices: market appears to be pricing in the possibility of some sort of US lockdown, and/or international travel restriction, because OMICRON! And the perceived difference between plague-infested Europe’s incredibly fascist “public health” policy overreaction (VAX MANDATES because BODIES are PILING UP outside HOSPITALS! Except – of course – not really) and the relative nirvana of the US’s return “back to normal” is being unwound.
One interesting note: while crude dropped -13% on Friday, energy equities (XLE) fell just -4.02% – a much smaller move. To me, this suggests that the drop in the price of crude is seen by the market – as of now – as temporary.
Maybe just a trading opportunity? It’s hard to say.
Biden renominates Powell as Fed chair, cites ‘steady and decisive leadership’
Powell & Brainard Suddenly Make Inflation #1 Priority in their Thank-You Statements
Wolf said, “This looks like the beginning of a U-Turn on inflation.”
The market agreed – it interpreted this U-turn as rate hikes coming sooner than previously expected. Now: markets project a 63% chance of at least one rate hike by June 2022.
President Biden Announces Release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve As Part of Ongoing Efforts to Lower Prices and Address Lack of Supply Around the World
Paid For by You and Me.
In Germany, it is definitely not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” At least not according to the RKI, which actually tracks vaccine breakthroughs. Unlike the CDC, which appears to be running a protection racket for “someone.”
Quick summary: in the 60+ group (the ones who actually might benefit from the shot), vaccination rates are: among symptomatic (71%), hospitalized (56%), ICU admits (46.4%), deaths (52.5%). That lines up with my anecdotal information from a small German hospital: “Some are, some aren’t.”
So if 71% of the 60+ crowd has been vaccinated, that’s a VE (symptomatic infection) = 0%. At least for that group anyway. But hey – just look on the bright side: at least VE (symptomatic infection) hasn’t gone negative like it did in Sweden! There still does seem to be a benefit for deaths, but it isn’t all that great.
And note also this isn’t “all cause mortality.” These are just COVID deaths. So this is the most optimistic view of “vaccine effects on health.” What’s the all-cause-mortality look like in the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated? I don’t know.
WASHINGTON — Merck & Co said on Friday updated data from its study of its experimental COVID-19 pill showed the drug was significantly less effective in cutting hospitalizations and deaths than previously reported.
Well that’s not good. The issue? Merck-mectin (Molnupiravir) doesn’t work so well on people with Delta. No apparent benefit, actually. Still shows a benefit for Alpha – which of course doesn’t exist anymore. Awesome that Grandpa’s handlers have bought $billions in doses with our money. Merck Shareholders say: Thank You!
Regardless, I suspect Merck-mectin will soon be standard of care. (Aduhelm! Approved!)
Its a big club. And you ain’t in it.
My Friday/Saturday Survey of MSM on OMICRON!
World is put on high alert over the Omicron coronavirus variant
Explainer: How worried should we be about the Omicron variant?
- Omicron’s mutations are likely to render certain COVID-19 treatments – including some manufactured antibodies – ineffective
- Experimental antiviral pills [Pfizer-mectin, Merck-mectin] – target parts of the virus that are not changed in Omicron
- But the biggest question remains whether protection from COVID-19 vaccines – nearly 8 billion doses have been administered globally – will hold up. And, will people previously infected with the coronavirus be immune from infection with Omicron?
The Omicron Variant Panic – Markets fall, but the biggest danger is more government lockdowns.
Omicron: Keep Calm and Carry on Vaccinating
The longer it takes to vaccinate whole populations, the faster we’ll cycle through the Greek alphabet with new variants; the only way to prevent that is to vaccine more people faster.
Omicron’s full impact will be felt in countries where fewer are vaccinated
…The four cases identified so far in Israel – all individuals who had just returned from African countries – had still been infected despite being double-vaccinated. However, as William Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health points out, the more important question is whether it causes severe disease in those it infects.
BioNTech – which released the first authorised Covid-19 vaccine with Pfizer just over a year ago – expects to have laboratory data on how its jab performs against Omicron in two weeks’ time
A WHO source confirmed the letters Nu and Xi of the Greek alphabet had been deliberately avoided. Nu had been skipped to avoid confusion with the word “new” and Xi had been skipped to “avoid stigmatising a region”, they said.
Opinion: The U.S. must defend itself from the omicron variant — without resorting to lockdowns
…Travel bans such as the one the Biden administration announced Friday can’t stop variants from penetrating our borders, but they can slow new strains down and give us time to ramp up other mitigations, such as variant-tailored booster shots
Of course, that’s assuming our regulators can operate at the speed of virus
But though Britain has already approved molnupiravir, Merck’s antiviral treatment, the FDA won’t rule until at least Nov. 30. Paxlovid, Pfizer’s candidate, works so well that its trials were halted early because it was deemed unethical to keep giving the control group patients placebos. Why, then, is it ethical for the FDA to make others wait until it gets around to approving?
South African medical association says Omicron variant causes ‘mild disease’
JOHANNESBURG: The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes, Angelique Coetzee, the chairwoman of the South African Medical Association, told Sputnik on Saturday.
“It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tireness for a day or two not feeling well. So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer lost of taste or smell. They may have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home.”
My analysis – there are two parts to this:
My Prediction – if Oligarchy (Pharma Division) gets their way:
Supporting Data:
One last point. Perhaps the OMICRON! terror is real. Perhaps there is real fear – coming from the Oligarchy because the virus is so weak, and so transmissible. As a result, it is only possible to terrify the Plebes about OMICRON before it actually lands. Super transmissible and weakly symptomatic = it will replace Delta = effectively it will be an even-milder airborne natural-vaccination campaign. With very minor side effects. Assuming the South Africans aren’t lying to us about the mild symptoms.
What if the real story were: “OMG we cannot let OMICRON land, or else it will wipe out the COVID19 story within six weeks of arrival!” Even worse – it might actually provide durable, long-lasting natural immunity to the vaccinated!
That could be the real disaster in the offing. Of course it might also be a plague-Götterdämmerung with a CFR of 20%, but I’m going with the odds. Panic-porn hasn’t been right yet. Remember IHME and their 2.5 million dead in three weeks? This has this same sort of feeling of panic-porn about it. “Triple Lung transplants required!” “Babies dying from COVID!” None of it was true.
And on Friday, we had a unified media response to an event where the only evidence there is says the symptoms are mild an short-lived.
I’m going with the odds. “If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…its a duck.”
Hypothesis: if I were a group of Oligarchs, and I wanted to reduce the propensity of the Plebes to travel (because – “Climate Change!”), I’d require them all to take a series of shots that – eventually – would weaken them to a point where an ever-growing number of this group simply couldn’t travel any longer.
We know from that “Circulation” paper that the 5-year odds of an unpleasant cardiac syndrome rises from 11% to 25%, following just the initial shots. What happens when we add the untested-OMICRON!-shots on top of shots-plus-boosters? I’m guessing the PULS number doesn’t get any better. It probably gets worse. “When you are in a hole, first thing you do: stop digging.” But the Oligarchy is ordering travel-loving-Plebes: even though you’re at the bottom of a deep hole, you must continue digging, or else: No Travel For You!
If Oligarchy can successfully implement this new template, I project that, five years from now, there will be a large number of Plebes who used to like to travel, but cannot travel any longer due to cumulative vaccine injury and/or death. The “high-carbon-emitting” Plebes who love travel will self-select themselves right out of the population! Genius!
Of course, the Oligarchy, armed with private jets, will not be subject to the same burden. This is justifiable, because Oligarchy are “saving the planet” by structuring and enforcing this “Climate Change” policy. As a reward for their good works, they deserve to keep flying private – without having to follow the (deliberately irritating) “quarantine” (or cumulatively deadly) “vaccination” requirements.
Isn’t it interesting that the Plebes, who get 2 weeks of vacation per year, have to quarantine for – two weeks! – if they travel internationally, unvaccinated? And yet:
Hong Kong says it let JPMorgan CEO skip quarantine for low-risk trip
Yay Oligarchy! Saving the planet, one private-jet-flight at a time.
So, do UFOs even exist? Two viewpoints:
UFO Mania Is Out of Control. Please Stop.
The claims are not true. Please, people: Get in the box!
Defense leaders want to make sure they can spot and track “phenomena” trespassing over training ranges.
Earlier this year, the Director of National Intelligence released a report on more than 140 known sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs, that Navy pilots and others have reported for years. The report could neither prove nor disprove that extraterrestrial technology was behind the video and first-hand accounts of flying objects maneuvering in ways beyond known U.S. and competitor capabilities.
And then:
Pentagon Announces New Group to Counter UFO Threat
So it’s either WAPO: “OMG remain within the Overton window!”, or – Defense One: “WTF are these things the Navy pilots have been reporting for years?” And now the Pentagon has a new UFO group.
My bet is, the UAPs exist. Leaving aside for a moment who makes them and where they come from, I would like to know: what fuel do these UAPs use? JP4? Kerosene? Windmills? Or is it something else?
I ask, only because the unknown power source might prove useful in the fight against “Climate Change” – and by extension, it might remove the (apparent) necessity for the psychopathic Oligarchy to engage in semi-annual OMICRON! international terror campaigns, as well as their traveling-Plebe-self-elimination program.
Steve Kirsch on how to handle the pandemic; he starts with “vaccines”, and it just keeps getting better from there.
- COVID vaccines shall only be available by prescription only.
- The government will no longer make the COVID vaccines available for free.
- The liability exemption is now lifted. Patients who have been harmed by the vaccines can now sue the drug company for damages up to $100M per case of fatality or disability.
- Informed consent provide shall include any and all symptoms that are elevated in VAERS by 10X or more over “baseline” reporting rates.
- The public should be warned that the most up-to-date risk benefit analysis shows that the vaccine may kill 117 kids for every kid that is saved from COVID.
- Require autopsies for anyone who dies within 2 weeks of getting the vaccine. The autopsy reports should be posted in a public database with Names and other PHI related data redacted
- Failure to file a VAERS report for anyone who dies within 30 days of COVID vaccination shall be liable to a fine of $100,000 per incident.
Finally, some resources. Telegram is being used by many as a twitter-replacement. Here are a few examples:
Note that the Kats protocol changes weekly, much to the chagrin of some of the members. And he *really* doesn’t like ivermectin. But every now and then, there are some real jewels. First, niacin. Then – turns out the gut is really important; c.f. “butyrate”.
“Doctor Yourself” is my way to remove revenue from Oligarchy (Pharma) sickcare system.
“Stop feeding the tapeworm.” It’s my new-new thing.
The post OMG, Omicron! appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
The man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies and metals warned King World News that the world is about to experience another major dose of economic, financial and social upheaval.
The post Greyerz Just Warned The World Is About To Experience Another Major Dose Of Economic, Financial And Social Upheaval appeared first on King World News.
On the heels of a wild week of trading that culminated in the Dow plunging over 900 points on Friday, today one of the greats in the business told King World News that the gold market is poised for a big turnaround that will springboard the price much higher.
The post E.B. Tucker – Gold Market Poised For A Big Turnaround That Will Springboard Price Much Higher appeared first on King World News.
E.B. TUCKER DISCUSSES THE PANIC IN THE GOLD SECTOR, what investors should expect to see going forward for gold, silver, miners, and much more!
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E.B. TUCKER DISCUSSES THE PANIC IN THE GOLD SECTOR, what investors should expect to see going forward for gold, silver, miners, and much more!
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The post The Omicron Overreaction appeared first on Peak Prosperity.