Coronavirus stretches limits of strained public health systems in Asia and beyond
Authorities in Wuhan, the city at the center of the outbreak, have been ordered to confine people suspected of having the illness in “quarantine camps” reminiscent of makeshift hospitals seen a century ago during the outbreak of Spanish flu.
The hundreds of cots lined up side by side in such facilities illustrate the Everest-sized difficulties of isolating and treating thousands of patients at a time. So do scenes of people begging for treatment and being turned away from hospitals inundated with patients.
Some coronavirus patients in Japan in serious condition: sources
Some of the patients are elderly and have serious underlying diseases. One of them had a fever earlier this month and took a test for the flu, but the test was negative, according to the sources. The person later tested positive for the new coronavirus.
Panic buying, mistrust and economic woes as Japan reels from coronavirus outbreak
Some shops have put up posters informing customers that they will only be permitted to purchase a limited number of face masks per person, while there are signs in office washrooms and public bathrooms advising people to wash their hands thoroughly
Nissan to shut Japan factory due to shortage of Chinese parts
In fact, many of the world’s biggest car makers are dealing with dwindling supplies as factories across China remain closed.
China is the world’s manufacturing powerhouse and a major part of the global supply chain for the automotive industry, making key parts and components. Hubei, where the coronavirus outbreak first started, is a major car manufacturing hub.
Many of these small businesses – the source of economic vigour and the backbone of employment in China – are now racing against time to survive, with a survey showing that two thirds only have enough cash reserves for two months.
These actions empower the County to more effectively respond to the outbreak, seek and utilize mutual aid, potentially obtain reimbursement, and ensure that the County’s public health professionals have all necessary tools at their disposal to keep the community safe.”
TREASURIES-Yield curve inverts on coronavirus-linked demand
Driving the market are “concerns that the coronavirus is not dying down. That it’s going to have a big impact on global growth and could be the tipping point to push the economy into a recession,” said Mary Ann Hurley, vice president, fixed income trading at D.A. Davidson.
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