Executive Summary
- Why it's important to focus on Resilience, not fear
- Why preparing yourself is a selfless (not selfish) act
- The 8 Forms of Capital
- Steps to increase your resilience against the coronavirus in each
If you have not yet read Part 1: Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention, available free to all readers, please click here to read it first.PeakProsperity.com has experienced a flood of new readers due to this website's ongoing coverage of the Wuhan coronavirus (now officially called covid-19). To our new subscribers: Welcome! We really wish it were different circumstances that brought you to Peak Prosperity than a global pandemic. But we're happy to have you join our special community of like-minded truth seekers, nonetheless. We want to introduce you to the lens through which PP views the world, to help orient you on how to get the most out of this website in the future. We measure resilience – or true “wealth” in life – using a framework we call The Eight Forms Of Capital. We’ll apply this framework to the Wuhan coronavirus, showing you how you can use it to become even more prepared for covid19 should it appear in your community. Diving right in, we see that it's critically important to start by... (Enroll now to continue reading)
The post A Resilient Defense Against The Coronavirus appeared first on Peak Prosperity.
from Peak Prosperity https://ift.tt/3bA5X0N