In this week's Off The Cuff podcast, Chris and Axel Merk discuss:
- Taper Tantrum 2.0?
- The Fed wants to tighten. But can it?
- Bad Balance Sheets
- Can central banks simply hold their bad assets forever?
- The Flattening Yield Curve
- A classic signal of approaching recession
- Bitcoin
- Trying to make sense of the recent run-up
Recorded before today's FMOC announcement, Chris and Axel discuss the next moves of the central banks, who's intervention and collusion have driven markets more than any other factor over the past decade. Most people don't realize that monthly liquidity injections are currentlyat their highest ever since QE began.
Now that the Fed is talking seriously about tightening -- can it? Or will the markets revert to throwing a tantrum as the global liquidity spigots begin to reduce their flow?
from Peak Prosperity