
Friday, May 12, 2017

How To Be

How To Be

Executive Summary

  • Understanding The Ego & How It Can Be Manipulated
  • Shifting Our Own Minds
  • Creating A World Worth Inheriting
  • Becoming The Change We Wish To See

If you have not yet read Part 1: The Way To Save Ourselves available free to all readers, please click here to read it first.

In beginning to tackle this big topic, first, let's take a closer look at the ego.

The Ego

Humans are indeed set apart from the other sentient species on the planet such as dogs, elephants, whales, and dolphins. But what makes us 'special’ is not the use of language or tools. Plenty of other animals make use of both.  Humans seem to be unique in having an ego. 

The ego is the part of the mind we interact with (almost) entirely each day. It mediates between the conscious and unconscious parts of ourselves, and is how we interact with the world. It forms our sense of personal identity.  For most people it's a fair statement to say they are their ego.  They identify with it fully, just as I did with mine until not that long ago.

The ego thinks, assumes, that it is everything about you

One feature of the ego is that it is always, and forever, in a state of wanting.  It needs more and more and MORE all the time.  The ego sets goals and attains them, but is rarely if ever satisfied by reaching a goal.  If it obtains one, it immediately sets a new one. Therefore it remains in a perpetual state of wanting as it strives towards each new goal.

Ekhart Tolle, who has had a huge impact on my thinking, puts it this way...

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